Give our Prime Minister Some Respect!

Day 724, 15:45 Published in Canada Canada by 77Grant77

So I log onto eRep today only to see the shouts list and top newspapers littered with articles calling Prime Minister William Duncan a racist. The first thought that entered my mind is obviously, 'well this is unacceptable'. It's ok to be edgy or controversial, but racism is a different story.

So being a curious citizen, I decide to check out this controversial statement for myself. Here it is, brace yourself:

"I couldn’t care less what race, religion, creed or boys-only club someone belongs to, and simply because someone happens to be a member of one does not mean they automatically deserve my respect."

So......this is a racist statement that should get him impeached? Give your head a shake people. I don't know about anyone else, but people gain my respect by their actions and words alone. I'm no saint and those thoughts do enter my mind like everyone else, but that's the way I think everyone should look at life.

The articles also go on to say that his response to Acacia Mason is unacceptable from a Prime Minister, I could not disagree more. Above all else, even being the PM, William Duncan is a CANADIAN CITIZEN and shares all of the rights and responsibilities that everyone else does. Being in a position of power should not exclude him from taking part in the general day to day chatter of the game and it certainly does not prevent him from defending himself from a slanderous article that is littered with falsehoods. (read it for a laugh, Anyone who disagrees with this is a proponent of censorship, period.

I will say out front that the PM and I are both members of the CPP, I can not control that. Despite this, it should seem obvious to anyone that the people calling for our leaders head are doing this because of political affiliations. I have great respect for these players, but people like Octavian_F and Banach are influential political figures and it's easy to see where their intentions lie (ie. getting themselves into office asap).

All in all, this is just a game and I think people need to realize what the PM's job is, it's not the same as real life. William Duncan, just like any other leader, is here to take care of the nuts and bolts of the game, thereby making our country financially and militarily successful. No matter what anyone thinks, the overwhelming majority of Canadians believe he has done a good job considering the voting despite the fact he got little support from his small, but strong, party.

As WD said in his paper:
I am not a King.
If you want a stately and graceful leader, one who is so wonderfully tactful, sips tea at high noon and is always so witty and clever (as if that was more important than character) then vote appropriately."

If you want a successful leader that will continue to make Canada stronger and help us reach heights never seen before (we already are), then the choice is obvious. The fact that political opponents are grasping at straws like this just shows how little there is to criticize in his administration.

Thanks for reading as always,
