Day 1,130, 20:32 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Itelat

i have a story for you guys

when a person ride in a bus, lets call him Mr. A, his wallet almost pop out his pocket. There are a lot of money inside the wallet and also some credit cards, ATM cards, ID's, and everything valuable.
And then there are another person, lets call him Mr. B&E, he saw that Mr. A's wallet is almost dropped, so what did he do?

option 1.
Mr. B&E tell Mr. A right away that he almost droppep his wallet, Mr. A is greatful for that and he say thanks to Mr. B&E and that's all

option 2
Mr. B&E wait until the wallet dropped, and then he tell Mr. A that he dropped his wallet, so what happen? Mr. A is more greatful for that and he say thanks to Mr. B&E and maybe he offer to buy him drink or give some money.

option 3
Mr. B&E wait until the wallet dropped, he grab the wallet, but he wait until Mr. A get off the bus to give him the wallet, so what happen? Mr. A is more really greatful for that, he will say a lot of thanks to Mr. B&E and he definitely will offer to buy him drink or give some money.

option 4
Mr. B&E wait until the wallet dropped, he grab the wallet, but he just give it right away, he wait until Mr. A get off the bus, but no he's not giving it back right now, he waited for days, he even spend the whole money, and well it's already Christmas, maybe its time to give him the wallet back and he did. Of course he said that he found the wallet somewhere. So what happen? Mr. A is more really really really greatful a lot for that, he will say many many many of thanks to Mr. B&E and he definitely will give Mr. B&E a lot of money even when his wallet is already empty, and he'll really looking forward to befriend with Mr. B&E.

well, maybe here is the analogy, Mr. A is Australia, Mr. B&E is your Brolliance and EDEN. They could help you right away, we know they had the resource, but they waited so long, even until you won't have congress for next month.

to Aussie people, i never hate you, so please be positive, i don't mean anything but just to give you another point of view, you really wanna be friend with them??? Maybe you should think again.

don't mind my English, i'm not sorry for that, mind's about what's inside.