Get on Target for BH

Day 1,681, 18:09 Published in USA Bolivia by GunnarP

A Gunner's quadrant is a portable precision instrument used by artillerymen for measuring the elevation or depression angles of guns and howitzers. It ensures greater accuracy when conducting a fire mission and it gets steel on target.
So how can we get those Bazookas on Target for BH?

I'm Division 1 and I have a total of 14 Battle Hero (BH) achievements. I got 6 in one day and yesterday I got 3 BH. I haven't spent real money on gold; just look at my
strength. So how did I do it?

1. Save your bazooka's; use them for BH.

Dropping 200K to 300K in Bazooka Damage is great for that war, but you should try to fire 1-2 total bazooka's (3-6 uses) to win that BH. Join a MU or eUSAF and meet those orders requirements with weapons they provide to build up that bazooka arsenal. If your interested in eUSAF send me a note.

2. Get mobile & Find a small battlefield.
Find a battle field that has only one state versus another state. A country with 20 plus allies will bring larger numbers into the fight. South America and the Middle East are nice to take a look at. Many citizens are afraid to drop 40 to 100 CC to move and take a look at Battle History and win 2 Gold for BH. When searching take a look at the Battle History and what is winning the BH. If it's multiple ones over 100K move on. I like getting on the losing side.

3. Let them know your there.
When the wall hits around 1000 I'll fire off a Q6 tank or two. Then at 1300 to 1500 I'll drop 2 bazookas to get myself on top. When it gets around 1700 I'll break out another 1-2 bazookas based previous battle history. At 1770 I'll fire off 1-2 more bazookas for the sneak.

4. Expect the last minute snipes (sneaks).
I lost one battle today when some fired a rocket and a bazooka to beat my 32000 damage. I should have hit it one more time. I had to drop 80K in damage because someone made a run on the BH at the last minute.

My long [but short] History:
I played eRepublik when I was in Iraq and joined the Eagles Militia, which was started by George Barker . Admins changed the war module and tons of us quit and moved on.

I got an email about a month ago about eRepublik about a free Bazooka if you came back and it twisted my bad arm. Granted I've made some mistakes in my progress, but I think figured out the BH. Wish I'd had figured it out earlier. IT is time intensive, so you need to have no life! Now we have rockets to worry about and it will affect it....some. Hanibal LA did a great article on the Rocket Profitability in BH Hunt . I did have one stolen from me today by a sneak with a rocket. But one must put down some real money at that point.

So eUSAF, lets get on target! And don't sneak me if you see me going for a BH! 😉

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