Germany and our Foreign Affairs

Day 482, 15:48 Published in Germany Turkey by DKN

Our relation to Sweden and ATLANTIS:

I have spoken yesterday to some Swedes and their MoFA and got a clear view from them. They want SH and nothing else. If we say no to SH then there will be no way for us to either have peace with Sweden or to join ATLANTIS.

This is really sad because talks with other ATLANTIS member were very constructive and ready to deal with us. BUT not only Sweden is against us - Poland would be against Germany, too as Romania would support the Swedish point of view.

Our relation to Hungary and PEACE:

Hungary seems not to be willing to stick to the agreement that we are able to unify with all Austrian regions. They block the region Burgenland where our two hospital companies are placed. This is absolutely not vital to our relation and it seems like the Hungarians playing a imperialistic game now.
We have good relation to most PEACE countries even after they have left PEACE like Turkey. We have bought a q5 hospital for 300g which needs to be paid back soon.

What happened the last days?

Hungary has put pressure on us and after I have spoken to Sweden it came clearly up that we are at a point where we need to decide between ATLANTIS and PEACE!

We need to decide because with Austria we are more vulnerable and we are right before some more wars in Europe which could hit us more than we expect at the moment. Germany is a key country in central Europe. Each alliance would be fine with Germany being member because of a domination in central Europe. So here are the options from my view:

What if we join ATLANTIS?
WE would have problems in the South because we would need support from all ATLANTIS countries to safe our Austrian regions against Hungary or Italy. To get that membership we would have to give SH away to Sweden and as mentioned would possibly loose Austria.

What if we join PEACE?
WE could get Burgenland and could finally end the Union with Austria. There would be no fear to our regions because of Italy and Hungary bordering us in the South and MPPing with them to protect SH and all of our German regions. We could get the hospital for free and would not be forced to pay the 300g.

We need to decide till the end of the week. Everyone that followed my political points knows that I have fought hard to get Germany a neutral country after our independence. I have been party leader in Sweden and want to have peace between us but not for every price. And the price for remaining neutral and or to join ATLANTIS is to high - unfortunately. We can wait till Thursday but I doubt that Sweden sacrifice their SH-clause to make us member of ATLANTIS. And so I can only propose the logicically option : PEACE.

This is an important step for Germany and I want you all to discuss it and try to do a poll at to find out what all think before we do such a step. But if we have decided all together for one option then I want you all to work for that decision to make us a trustworthy and valuable member of our partners.