Germany aims to join PEACE, what does this mean for Sweden?

Day 482, 17:10 Published in Sweden USA by Toothpaste

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DKN, former president of Germany announced earlier tonight that he wants Germany to join up with PEACE, officially.

Their plan is to grab the last region from Austria/Hungary, Burgenland and close the gap to their PEACE allies Italy and Hungary. At the same time Germany will be rewarded a 300 gold worth Q5 Hospital from their dirty alliance. This strategical move will make it impossible for ATLANTIS, our alliance, or anybody else unfriendly, to wage an offensive war against the germs from the south.

Justin Tyme, an political elite in Germany, did last week comment on the idea of Germany finally going official with the news, he state😛

"I feel as if we're beginning to fall behind into irrelevance in the world; in other words, I am sick of being neutral, I believe it is time we take a stand and fully join PEACE".

Isy, President of Germany haven't left any statements regarding the subject, although as many as 50% of the active congress wish to create their own alliance with bordering countries like Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark and Netherlands.

Looking at it Germany and those countries wouldn't survive any attacks from either ATLANTIS or PEACE therefore the German congress wish regarding a totally new alliance is pretty much out of the question.

Although, if Germany decide to stay "neutral" Sweden will for sure try and grab back their old region Schleswig-Holstein. Poland will probably attack from the east and maybe take back our national Defense System company thats in Bavaria.

Germany will probably join PEACE officially at the end of this week or some time in the next one. Joining an alliance officially means not only protection but also an obligation to the administration, this probably will lead to an order to disturb the economy and structure of Sweden by attacking us on the weak spots.

Sweden might for sure get attacked from the south through our Danish provinces that we are safe keeping for the tiny Danes. Its probably a good idea for the Swedish government to build a wall of protection in Syddanmark unless we want to have some fun (which we do!).

Syddanmark is a key province, once its taken PEACE can choose to either go north to Aalborg (oil region) or east again Köpenhamn to kill off the Danes. Germany wont go east thought, Denmark isn't really a threat to the germs since they only have two provinces and very low population and a very poor economy (are they even alive?).

Germany officially joining with PEACE isn't a necessary a bad thing. On the contrary, now the population of Sweden will have an opportunity to join up in a war with out leaving the country and the battles will only take place an the danish lands. In that case the germs are now a country that we love to hate! We can have fun fighting for months!

The only bad thing is for our alliance, ATLANTIS, meaning that we might get busy with a war at home and wont be able to aid other countries in our alliance that will have open fronts.

Note; If you own a company in Swe-Denmark regions it might be wise to sell them now or later to the germs. One thing is for sure: don't invest in new companies in the swe-danish regions.

Former President of Sweden