Genghis Hank for PA - My Hat's in the Ring!

Day 668, 11:48 Published in USA USA by Genghis Hank

"Well, that's the problem when you go from being a soldier to a politician. You have to sit and listen to people you would've shot six months earlier."

- Sheridan (Babylon 5)

I, Genghis Hank, hereby announce my intent to run for the senate seat from the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. My formal candidacy will be declared once I can return from duty in Canada and make the declaration official.

My home state both in real life and in game is Pennsylvania, though I’ve had to spend most of my eLife stationed in Florida or overseas. I’ve been a foot solder in the TD throughout this conflict that seems to go on without end. I’ve started two businesses to give jobs to US workers, and now I want to take a more active role in the direction this country is heading.

This country is strong, despite, and indeed, because of the trial that it has endured these past two plus months. But while we must do whatever we can to triumph in the cause we face now, we must also plan for the future. We must strengthen our economy by empowering our citizens and businesses. We must rebuild our infrastructure, but in ways that are smarter than before. And we must reshape how we interact with other countries on the international front.

It goes without saying that our military must be strong. The threats we face from abroad are deadly, and we must give our soldiers every support to keep us safe. While that includes keeping taxes high enough to keep them funded, other methods must be explored as well, such as utilizing military owned companies to supplement the free market for arms. But we must also expand our private economy. We must do better at engaging our civilians in keeping their wellness and productivity high. We must promote business to provide the jobs our citizens need, and encourage them to take an active role in their employees’ eLives. And we must work to open foreign markets so we can increase our exports and become the marketplace of the world.

Infrastructure must be rebuilt to keep our citizens and soldiers healthy. But they must be used strategically so that the efforts are not diluted or wasted. Hospitals should only be built in a couple of key states, while defense systems could be put in place in a few more places to take advantage of those too unwilling to move.

Finally, while war is impossible to eliminate from the new world, we must reshape the global dynamic of two great alliances battling for supremacy. We must change things so that countries do not feel trapped into joining PEACE out of fear. We must make a generational commitment to defend the rights of sovereign countries to live free as we expect to. Only then will the bullying of the imperialists such as PEACE be stood up to by the schoolyard of the world.

Thank you for taking the time to read all this and I ask you to lend me your support and your vote on September 25th.

“Genghis” Hank