GBi Rating Co,. Ltd - Smeeph - Biggest Manufacturer, still has a lot to give!

Day 897, 11:46 Published in Sweden USA by Ghinsberg Invest
You see how this Rating is called Long Term? Well, we have decided to start a short term rating, where we will follow 5-10 shares every second to third day and analyse the market, price, dividends and other news important indicators. Subscribe to not miss out! Anyhow, lets get this issue’s Rating of smeeph (SMF).

They truly are a Great company in size and we can actually conclude that they perform as well. The valuation of the company is good; market cap and org value is about at the same level, the latter is even a bit higher. When talking to the director he gives a sharp and quite hungry impression. Obviously you need to have a good drive building ERX second biggest company, and actually the biggest if you only consider “original” companies.

Smeeph holds assets of 14 000, though this includes a fair amount of cash. A good reserve provides safety in case of a turndown in the market. Because of valuation rules changes some companies have cash in their org value and others not, this meaning that some companies might look expensive but are not. This is not the case; the valuation of SMF is as mentioned before, very reasonable.

The risk is also low. The company is however focused on food, just as DCM that we’ve rated earlier. Obviously, this makes the companies correlated with the food markets. As probably most of you know, there’s been a strong increase in worldwide warfare that’s raised prices for weapon and other related industries. This has struck the profitability of food companies and Smeeph is currently a victim, like all similar companies to an extent. Though thanks of their high liquidity, 3 500G plus a 500G shareholders fund, they are not only prepared for an event like this, but also V2. With a cash reserve of over 28% it’s probably one of the more stable companies.

Stating that the risk is low, how does the other key component look? The reward, the possibility to make money is maybe the most important indicator. Currently, SMF is unfortunately not making that much money. However, this does not have to make it a sell, it can actually mean just about the opposite. Historically, they have paid out reasonable but not great 7,6% dividends and one should keep in mind that’s all the profit. So there are no reinvestments, this might be negative in sometimes, however with SMF the company is already huge and have enormous cash reserves. As mentioned before, their 4 000G saved op, gives them 28% of org value in cash. A rough estimate is that besides the inventory they have the need for cash is maybe 500G. That leaves 3 000 after leaving another 500 for unseen events. That’s enough to buy almost 7 more Q5 companies! We are quite confident this is a company that can give great returns on a medium to long run horizon.

From their financial report we se one of the more ambitious assets summaries yet seen. 8520G heirs from owned companies, 215G worth of Org’s, stock for 1561 and raw materials worth 196G. And all of this is published with links and screenshots, very nice! What we miss are statements of actual profits, earlier or future dividends. The historical numbers, can however be found on the ERX page.

The share is currently trading at 0.134G as mentioned before yields a dividend of just over 7%. Recommendation is hold or buy and our recommended price is 0.175 assuming that the food industry recovers. The share is considered very stable, 95% of companies are Q5 and the cash reserve is big and probability that profits rise is good. Because of the combined low risk and potential we rate smeeph A-. The few drawbacks are a “normal” dividend and some recent turmoil on markets. We strongly recomend to keep an eye on this share!

Kind Regards
Yossi Ghinsberg
GBi Rating Co., Ltd

Long-Term Ratings
T’jelle Bank
Dementu Club

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