Gavins Domestic Policy

Day 920, 20:02 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

Nomination Announcement:

Domestic Policy:

Israels Future lies in its Population

I have said this many times before, Everything comes down to our population, our economy and military are nothing without a large growing and active population to support them.

Encouraging population growth and helping our new players should be a top priority of the government.

Encourage Immigration from other countries to Israel. We could make use of Adds and Articles to help encourage immigration. This will bring more skilled and active players to Israel who can contribute much. We need to get our emigration levels down and Immigration levels up so we have a net increase via Migration.

Government sponsored efforts at encouraging a babyboom would also be part of my agenda. We need to get a News article in RL Israel or some mention on blogs and Magazines to encourage more RL Israelis to play.

This is what they did in many nations including Poland and Serbia and now they have huge populations and are some of the strongest nations in the game.

Also individual Initiative like encouraging your friends and family to play would also be of great help here.

Every new citizen of Israel Makes Us Stronger.

We need to expand our current mentor program with both funds and energy so they can help as many new people as possible. We also need a better New Player message which includes links to our forum and IRC.

This will help the new players we get to stay and be of use to the nation.

Another key aspect of my domestic policy will be continued government involvement in easing tensions between Hebrew and English Speakers.

If elected my government will continue a Bilingual Friendly stance in all areas of government including the eIDF Knesset and the various Ministries. People who speak Just Hebrew or just speak English should have an equal opportunity of advancement in this nation.

As part of my Presidency I will have at least weekly announcements on my doings as President. Whether it be updates on v2 preparation or Budgets or even talks with Senior Foreign officials I will make sure eIsraelis are in the know and can offer their input. I want to be a president who you can talk casually with on the IRC and the forums and debate various issues with not one who is rarely seen or heard from and works behind the scenes. Government Transparency will be key part of my Presidency.

I believe Israel needs a Constitution thats why I fully support the Implementation of FDR’s proposed Israeli constitution: