Gavin Running for President

Day 920, 20:02 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

Domestic Policy Article:

Hello eIsrael my Name is Gavin Wax and I have just recently been nominated to be the United Zionist Party's Presidential Candidate in the Upcoming elections.

As it stands I will be running against both Aeroner and Blanemc both well regarded players in eIsrael.

I have nothing but admiration and respect for both Aeroner and Blane.

They both have long histories in eIsrael and have been valued citizens of our nation contributing much time and effort in order to improve our nation and help it grow.

Both would make great Presidents and Israel should be happy that in any case they will get a strong capable leader out of this election.

Now many people most likely will consider me the third wheel of sorts in this upcoming election due to my limited experience when you compare me to Aeroner and Blanemc.

That maybe so but I dont believe it makes me any less of a candidate then them. I have worked very hard for this nation and I have never missed in opportunity in which to better it.

I have served with Pride in the eIDF rising from the ranks of a Soldier to a Platoon CO . I have helped in the v2 reorganization and given much time effort and even gold to the eIDF in order to ensure eIsrael is well protected from those who wish to do us harm.

I am a 2x Knesset Member and Chairman of the Knesset Defense Committee. I established a stable Budget for the eIDF during my term after working closely with Maelyn.

I have also worked as an Intern in various Ministries including the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Defense. In the Ministry of finance my work was mainly dedicated towards Government run Companies and Organizations and keeping track and money in gold in various places.

Lastly some smaller roles include Ambassador to eSpain and eAustralia and Former UZP Recruitment and Communications Director.

Ask anybody I have worked closely with and Im sure they will tell you I am a enthusiastic dedicated and hard working person.

With that said I hope people will recognize me for the work I have done for this nation and know that win or lose for me doesn’t mean I will stop trying to make this nation a better place.

I will announce my Domestic, Economic, Military, and Foreign Policy in upcoming Articles and I hope come election day you vote for me.