Game Mechanics and You!

Day 785, 15:16 Published in USA USA by system0101
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Hello folks, I wanted to say a few words about the idea of Game Mechanics. It's a phrase that is thrown around a lot, and many newer players might not get the idea behind the terms.

Game Mechanics is essentially the rules and modules of eRepublik. It is how the game functions. As we all know, it bears little resemblance to reality. Game Mechanics theory are the tips, tricks, and hypotheses that not only define what we can do in the game, but what is the generally optimal strategy.

As with any theory, it is not set in stone, and changes as the game does. So therefore players who embrace the ideas and theories of game mechanics (sometimes referred to as Mechanists or Mechanics) are a loose association of people who want to use the rules and constructs of the game in order to maximize our chances of success.

Since I'm writing this generally for newer players, maybe a couple examples will help. If you've ever read an article and thought to yourself "that has nothing to do with the way this game works", you might be interested in learning more about the theories of Game Mechanics.

This is an argument/debate/flamewar that comes up every few months like clockwork, and by my calendar it's about that time. There is so much turnover in this game, and new players are constantly streaming in, that many of our finest minds have succumbed to that eSickness that is reality, and they leave a void of game knowledge that must be occasionally refilled. Another one of these great debates that I see on the horizon is the hospital debate and the Fortress Strategy. I only mention that because it shows a practical application of Game Mechanics theory.

Check out the beginning of this old article of mine. I think it's important to know the past, lest we are doomed to repeat it. During the invasion of North America, our military and political leaders, all whom at least acknowledge Mechanics theory, came up with the Fortress Strategy in order to counter the threat of complete annihilation. We focused our population in one or two states, thus raising the defensive wall AND the cost to attack to then-unseen levels. And despite the fact that the then-President of eRussia sold his parents' house for the gold needed to attack and conquer Florida, our enemies paused long enough for us to turn the tables of the war.

More recently, you may have seen us retreat a handful of New England states to the eUK in order to keep our battles going. On the surface it doesn't make any sense, but those who know GM theory saw it as the best strategy at the time. Aeros wrote a great article today on initiative, and holding initiative in our Asian war was, at that moment, more important than the states the eUK were attacking. If we would have placed infrastructure in those states, we would have felt the need to defend it. We would have been stopped cold in Asia, and we would have likely never made it as far as we did. By adhering to the Fortress Strategy, we were able to forfeit control of those New England states temporarily while we finished up far more important business. This is also partly the reason why Delaware is still held by our brothers to the north.

One of the biggest shortfalls of the Fortress Strategy is the fact that we virtually abandon the vast majority of our territory, and actively engage in evacuating as many players as we can from those regions. Some players get mad at the fact that we call their home territory worthless, wasteland, cannon fodder, or worse. It truly has nothing to do with the real life value or history of the state, only the value it has in this game. The Fortress Strategy is something that quite literally saved our skin in the past, and might again in the future. But it is also the reason why so many organizations exist to assist new players. Without knowing at least a bit about Game Mechanics (as it pertains to their region), many new players may rightfully feel they have been hung out to dry, abandoned, or the eGovernment is not looking out for their best interests. Some of this can be countered by educational campaigns, though not everyone is easily convinced. To that I can only say, good for you for being stubborn, I hope you eventually find the information you need to be convinced that this is the optimal strategy, as the game stands today.

There are many more chapters that could be written about how game mechanics affects each eIndividual and eGovernment. And by no means are these debates completely settled business. I encourage veteran players to dredge up articles they have written on this subject. The North American University at one point even sponsored a class called Game Mechanics 101, taught by Harrison Richardson. (I want my diploma, BTW 😛)

Until next time!