Gaius Julius Caesar00. This Is It. The Gloves Are Coming Off Now....

Day 901, 17:11 Published in Canada Canada by 00AngryMobMan00

For the last five months (mainly, the last month, my term), I have had to put up with your anti-productivity, snobby, highly outrageous, arrogant, annoying, saddening, jealous, whiny, complaining behavior; not only directed at me as an eCanada, but also to other Privy Council CPP members, and to other new CPP members. You have been a jerk to me ever since you first came into the CPP proposing change. You never did what you promised us. After months and months of failure and complaining, you threw in the towel for a month, to give another person a chance. Maybe you were turning around in your behavior. Maybe we could actually not have a fight between one another for a day. Well, eCanada, I was wrong. You want to know how bad this has gotten? Take a look at these examples of Caesar00's behavior towards the CPP.

1. Refusing Access
As the President of the Party, I should be entitled to some form of administration on our OFFICIAL party forums. However, Caesar00 thinks differently. He does not believe in giving access to others. He does not believe in being fair. Here is the story: I became president of the CPP. I went on to the forums (our OLD forums, that Caesar00 made during his first term), and AFTER 3 messages requesting to be masked as the party president (yea, 6 days later, he finally responds), I finally get masked as the party president, but not "fully" the party president. although I had my title, I did not have (a) The masking, or (b) The Admin Access. I figured it was an honest mistake, the no-access, and I PMed Caesar00 about it, stated in the following message:

"1) Good job in your congress elections in Ontario 😉
2) You and I both need to sit down on IRC and discuss this whole Forums debacle (I sent you a message about this on the older forums about this, not sure if you saw it or not), since I do not want this to ruin the Party. Hopefully I can get Admin on the forums too (I noticed I did not, and as PP, maybe I should)."

Caesar00 Replies:

"I've been busy and unable to respond. We can talk but you need to understand two things:
A) You're not receiving Admin on the official CPP forums
😎 I am taking the party back on the 15th
I am also more than a little disturbed by your grasping for power after an uncontested election.

He says it as though they are HIS forums. They are not HIS forums, they are a GOVERNMENT FORUM. A party is not a personal thing, it is the piece of the government. You denying me access could be charged.


2. Forum Sabotage

To be further counter-productive. Caesar00 decided that it would be best to NOT change forums, but rather protest the new ones, and tell people to stay where they are, rather than move to the newer, more active, and easier-to-navigate forums!

The new forums were voted on by CPP members and Privy Council members. It was unanimous. The new forums were the official ones. Of course, being a stick in the mud, Caesar00 refused to move, and told people to stay where they were. As seen in the following shouts, you can see just how caesar00 responded to the new forums:

"I am back. Less than active, more than a two-clicker. Oh ya, I'm taking my party back to original forums, too."

"T-6 days until the rightful forums of the Canadian Paradox Party are restored! Be patient Paradoxians!"

I figured if he did not want to move over, that was fine with me, I can not force anyone to make an account on forums. I figured if that was the worst he could do, maybe it would not be TOO bad. But I was wrong, it got much worse...


3. IRC Sabotage

The CPP has an IRC channel, which is rarely used. It was my goal as Party President to get IRC active again, and to get people on there just in general!

Of course, for me to do that, I needed 2 things, (a) Party IRC Channel "Founder" (highest access) and also (b) At minimum Op status (to edit the Access lists).

First of all, Caesar00 has been away for over 28 Days on IRC, simply because "I am busy in real life" (As he has said many times to me). Funny thing is, he has time to check the forums for half an hour, but not enough to go on IRC for a few moments to type in one thing to allow me founder access? Funny. I think he knew about that all along.

In case he really was busy in real life, there is a back-up feature in IRC. If he was inactive for over 30 days, I could claim ownership, the same was, as if he were to do it himself. Funny thing, here are two IRC trans from today!

"[RIZON] Caesa00r Was Last Seen 28 Days, 19 Hours, 48 Minutes, 12 Seconds Ago."

So from that time this morning, there was about 1 day left until I could claim Founder, finally. (Also, NOTE, I have had to wait ALL my term to get to this point of 28 days him being inactive. So my whole term, I could do NOTHING about our IRC).

Now, I checked it again about 40 minutes ago, here is what it sai😛

"[RIZON] Caesar00 Was Last Seen 33 Minutes, 12 Seconds Ago"

So after waiting 28 days, he comes online for simply 10 seconds, enough to prevent me from claiming leadership of IRC. That jerk took what was rightfully mine, IRC leadership. So, now, I must wait another 30 days to get leadership (owner) on IRC for CPP, if I wish to do anything.


So is that who YOU want to be the next leader of CPP? I sure hope not. Caesar00 is nothing but a liar, a deceiver, and most of all, an anti-productive person, who doesn't like anyone else being PP except himself, and will stop at nothing to get that done.

So do you want that kind of leadership?

Or do you want the Honesty and Truth that AngryMobMan provides? Despite everything, I have attempted to get many things done (and I was successful in some areas), as seen in this article:


I think it is time Caesar00 had a time-out for his damage he has caused, and all the misery he has given to the CPP.

Vote for progress, vote for change. Vote for someone who tries to put up with other people's Crap. Vote For AngryMobMan.


Thank You.
CPP Party President

(And I Swear on my life. All that I said above was 100% true)


Want to show Caesar00 your feelings towards him? Drop him a line: HERE