Furglar For A Second Term? You Must Decide

Day 604, 09:08 Published in United Kingdom South Africa by Frank Furglar

Hello citizens of the North East and eUK,
As you may have noted, i have spent the last month or so in congress representing the North East in the HoC. It certainly has been a month of ups and downs, seeing the outgoing of Kumnaa and the incoming of Hassan.We have also seen a large change in international affairs as well as domestic. But what, may you ask, have you, Frank Furglar..done for the North East?
Firstly, lets start by looking at whether or not i have stuck to and achieved my goals:

''- Constant updates and information for North East citizens: This is what HoC members all all about! In my opinion every citizen should have regular communication with their HoC member ( or MP!) to put forward questions, ideas and suggestions for the improvement of their reigion, i will do this by setting up a newspaper to keep citizens regularly updated on North Eastern news and to encourage posting on the North East forum.''

Yes! I have achieved this. Information on my views and my policies has been available to every North East citizen should they wish to access them and there has also been a significant increase in posting on the North East forum as well as quite a few updates on my progress in congress.

''- A clear and consistant view on politics, i shall be informing North Easterners of all my political decisions and the reasons behind them ( unless they are classified). Readers of this newspaper will know that i do not take prisoners politically. What you see is what you get, a point which i wish to clearly emphasise in this manifesto. I will lobby for a reduction in information made classified as i feel that the public has a right to know which direction the government is steering their country.''

Whilst this month hasn't been one for anybody to keep a consistant view on politics, i have informed most people in the North East of my decisions. I also have lobbied quite successful for a reduction in secrecy, my eUK Today weekly updates are also quite useful to give indicators of the direction which the government is steering our country. My commitment to my seat is unchallenged, i am one of the few congress members to attain 100% voting attendance in the HoC.

''- Improvement of Wellness and Wealth within the North East: As many people may be aware, i currently hold the position of SE President..this position will be useful in helping distribute wellness throughout the North East, it is my aim to hopefully, raise the average wellness level in the North East..i PROMISE to gift everyone in the North East who meets the criteria with food and wellness to help them with their elife ( For further information, see my articles on the SE).''

This scheme has been hard to run, due to the fact that it recieved little response when i proposed it..however i am willing to gift any NE citizen who asks.for it.

A Little bit about myself:
Most people will be wondering: who am i electing?
Well, i will be representing my beloved party, the UKRP and i stand very much next to their policies and idealisms. Below is a list of jobs which i work/worked in:
- UKRP Deputy Head of Communications (1 term)
- SE President (2 terms)
-East Midlands Financial Director (1 term)
-Ministry of Trade Intern (1 term)
-UnderMinister of Trade [Head of Domestic Trade] (1 term)
-North East Congressman (1 term)
-UKRP Head of Media (1 term)

So, citizens of the North East i advise you to, once more:
Think Furglar!
Vote Furglar!
Frank Furglar!