Funny Fund Raising Events in eChina - Resistance War in ePhilippines - Yunnan

Day 824, 08:45 Published in Philippines China by Xenon Ng

[To all subscribers: This article is published in ePhilippines.]

Funny Fund Raising Events in eChina

As many of you know, ePhilippines started to return occupied eChina original regions in last weeks. At first, eChina obtained a few regions by holding training wars between eChina and ePhilippines. However, eChina’s treasury is near empty after a series of wars related to Liaoning. It is expensive to hold training wars to obtain the rest of 6 occupied regions. How do eChina do to save money?

eChina auctions resistance war medal!

Speech from the president of eChina about auctioning resistance war medal:
The Right of starting Yunnan Resistance War!
Do you want a shiny RW medal?

The one winning the auction needs to pay for the cost of RW and donates the bid to People's Bank of China (eChina government central bank) before starting the RW. The first region auctioned is Yunnan because the cost of starting RW there is the lowest among the 6 occupied regions.

The winner is Moozgy who donates 30 gold to eChina and is responsible for the cost of starting RW. Congratulations!

Finally, don’t forget to fight RED for the resistance in Yunnan.


Follow up: Mindanao

After signing MPP between ePoland and ePhilippines, eMalaysia started a RW to return Mindanao to ePhilippines.

Would eIndonesia invade ePhilippines? I really hope eIndonesia would do so so that ePoland has chance to show off. Please keep good relation and support ePoland in the future. Cheers!

HAIL ePhilippines!
HAIL eChina!