Funniest PM you ever received???

Day 1,281, 10:55 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by moomoohead

In last article I wrote, I mentioned I got a loan from some one, and thanked them for it. The person who gave me the loan then got requests from several people asking for loans and “thanked” me for telling everyone. I got a good laugh from that. Playing this game for almost two years I have gotten some funny PM’s, so I thought I would write an article about some of them. What I would ask is in the comments if you have got any funny or strange PM’s please write about them.

Let me set the context for this PM for the newer members of the community. I got the PM at the end of my first presidency, that month we land swapped into USA. We declared war and attacked Canada, USA, Poland, and UK, and fought over 50 battles, with the UK about to wipe us twice. Prior to this TW were all we were ever involved in and the CP war buttons were covered in dust. During the month I would get literally 20 PM a day telling me how shit of a job I was doing and that the country would get wiped for ever, and they were from my friends. Things all worked out in the end and on the last day of the month I was feeling pretty good, we had most wars closed and had got all of our 6 original regions back plus three new regions, including Northern Ireland and North Dakota. I opened up my PM’s expecting a little praise for once and found one from a new player asking the question “why I did not take Scotland” that month. For all the want to be ePoliticians out there, this is a lesson for you, you can never please all the people all the time. If you take over the world some one will ask why you have not invaded the moon.

I was in the American army and they had some double top secret mission going on which I never understood. They wanted me to fight in a RW in Serbia and wanted me to wear a Serbian Military Aviator (I still have hanging in “my documents” closet). Minutes after fighting I was flooded with PM’s from Serbians who were highly offended that I had there aviator on. There were quite not to say anything that would get them banned but talked a small pixel picture like it was a flag above a real life battle field. Some were even going to report me for such a grievous crime. You got to laugh at what rattles others, want to piss some one off try it some time.

During V2 I got into the military module of this game. Loved the player to player aspect and the strategy involved. I used to move around the world killing like a mad cow with kill/death ratios in excess of 10 to 1 on good days. I used to get a lot of PM’s from people I would kill, mostly fun, and good luck. One day I got a message from a Hungarian “watch out I am coming”. I was fighting in Australia at time so thought he was one of dozens I killed there. Wrote to ask if it was that day and he wrote back “not yet, we do not have MPP with indo, another time. We met only once and server didn’t chance me…” I figured out it was three days before I killed him in Bosnia and he had not forgotten. He had some kind of grudge/vendetta against me and was stalking me. Kind of makes you wonder if there were other people sitting in front of there computers around the world saying “that B**** moomoohead”, lol. I eventually flipped him and added him to my friends list. When I was tiring to get an article to international top 5 recently he put out a shout for it. So there is no one left in the bushes outside my barn with a riffle.

I ran for PP of the IFP when I was only playing game for about 3 weeks. I wrote all the party members a PM telling them about myself and what I planned to do if I got elected. One person wrote back that he would vote for me if I gave him 3 Q2 guns. I found this immoral on several different levels. One that he was asking for a bribe for his vote, but more so that he valued cheap guns for doing it. I politely told him no and I think he still voted for me, when I was PP I made sure he never got elected to Dail. Even though I was accused of getting some bad players elected and did, I did have a moral limit.

There were also nasty PM’s from Pizza, comical ones from my friend Dylan, Pink ones from IP, and great ones from some of the people I call eFriends. What are the funnies PM you have got in this game? Best one below I will donate 10 Q5 guns too (little irony there).