Fun versus safe

Day 708, 15:54 Published in Romania USA by Ruminantus
Hello world!

I address this message to all world’s formal and informal leaders
I address this message to all world’s citizens in search for fun in this game

We all are both citizens of a fine eWorld and real life players of an interesting game.

As a result we have to deal with two sets of needs: as citizens and as players.
The citizen may be happy or unhappy in the virtual world and the player would still play the game.
But if the player is unhappy, the citizen will stop to exist.

So, which set of needs is more important?
Should our leaders play while paying attention only to the citizens or should they also pay attention to the players need for fun? Can we mix and accommodate the two sets of needs in a coherent decision-makin process inside the game?

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There are some of our colleagues arguing we shouldn’t make spectacular moves till the new features or Erepublik would be put in place this spring.
But should we stop playing, enter in a stand-by and conservation state, waiting for the eGods to make their move?
Stood beta still waiting for V1 to be implemented?
Do we sleep over today waiting for the "upgraded next week” to come?
No, we just live our lives today!

In RL we do live day after day 'cause we don't have any sane alternative, but in Erepublik one - as many do - can stop playing. And this is sad. Their death of boredom is killing our world by emptying Erepublik of potential potent players.

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I think we should take chances and risk in name of our virtual countries - inside the game, in order to gain some fun for our users - in the non-virtual reality.

Save the eWorld by saving the RL fun!

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I don't say "push the button now!", I say "let's have courage to push all the buttons when the time is fit for each". And for some buttons the time to be pushed has come!
