Full Circle

Day 668, 16:06 Published in USA USA by Jamarcus

One Year Ago Today

One year ago today I was born into the eworld. I was born before the game was even open to the public. I had many hopes and expectations coming in, and as you can tell I was not disappointed. In fact this game has exceeded my expectations. I had no idea I would have lived such an exciting and successfull elife. I've served 3-terms as a Party President of both the Green and Democratic parties. I've served two Congressional terms, one in the US and one in Israel. Served as Foreign Minister of Israel for one-term. I've meet a whole host of interesting people on my travels around the world. Like Josh Frost and Wade Seagrave in Lithuania. Cj Will Win, Justin Moore, BuzzyTheCat, and JMatH in Israel. And so many interesting fellow eAmericans like PrincessMedyPi, Kazeal, NeilP99, Tormod, Woxan, Daks, Benn Dover, BlueHolt, and many others who have made this game worth all the time and effort.

As I look back on the many things I've done there is so much more I have left to do before I call it quites. I have never seen America more united than we are now. I've also never seen America reduced to one state before this war. I never thought it possible but in this game anything is possible.

Full Circle

I guess this is as good a time as any to announce my candidacy for New Hampshire's Congressional seat. In January of this year I was elected to my first term in Congress in the great state of New Hampshire. It was a huge accomplishment as I hold the title as first Green ever elected to Congress, and for a long time I was the last. I have the experience and leadership to be not just another Congressman but a leader and an example to fellow Congressmen and women and the average everyday citizen.

It has been an exciting year for me and our country. The eworld is a much different place than it was a year ago, and we will say the same thing next year. Maybe I will celebrate my ebirthday next year and maybe not. But for now we have to live for today.


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