FRoSEA Socialist Party needs you!

Day 678, 15:28 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Babylibra7

After some discussion with Jack concerning the Thai Union Party, we have decided to venture into a new direction to add a different perspective within the politic forum.

We have now changed the party to the FRoSEA Socialist Party, and will espouse a more liberal and broader government in which we support more government programs for our populace.

We support programs such as a National Wellness Program in which the government funds regular gifting to our citizens to further provide wellness for those who do not participate in the Sol Wargames.

We support housing raffles in which the government will weekly purchase at least a Q1 house and give it away to a lucky FRoSEA citizen whose number is drawn.

We support the idea of government companies for more than simply training vehicles. The government companies can make profits via exporting or be used to stockpile goods in the case of a national emergency.

We support a well funded military in which all our soldiers (those who have signed up for the military and participate in weekly roll-calls and follow orders accordingly) receive weapons, gifting, and moving tickets as needed to participate in the various operations around the world or at home.

These are just a small portion of our goals...but most importantly we need people who are liberally like-minded to join us. Dont be another DAP or FUP clone. Join the revolution!