From Babylon to Zion: The Glorious Struggle

Day 300, 21:04 Published in South Africa South Africa by Deus Ex

From Babylon to Zion: The Glorious Struggle

“He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels (Revelations 3:5).”

And so the conquerors have come. Devils from the next world bent on destroying our Holy Land and stealing form us our promised salvation. Evil men who defy the true power and glory of our people and our nation.

South Africa was a simple land. Not so prosperous, but we were content. Not so well developed but we made do. Not so rich, but we were wealthy in our hearts as Jah intended. But in their corrupt ways these Men from Balkan saw the opportunity to destroy what we all cherished in our hearts. They stole our homeland, where we were content to live and raise our children. What we loved they are slowly turning into a mark of hatred, deceit, and decadence. The land of South Africa, of Jah's people, is being turned into The New Babylon before our very eyes. The ultimate home of Sin on Earth is growing before us...

So, as Jah and his holy angels struggled against the forces of Lucifer so must we engage in the eternal struggle between good and evil in our daily lives. The Glorious Struggle. The ills of buying from Croation owned companies must be recognized. For they fuel the fire of hatred within their souls. Our brothers and sisters from the TRUE South Africa are the legitimate business men here and they seek not to further their own ends as the invading devils do, but the ends of South Africa as well. Not the ends of Babylon, of Babel, of death, destruction, and dominance.

The revolution, my brothers and sisters, is necessary. We do not wish to see the homes and playgrounds of our once peaceful neighborhoods destroyed in teh fighting. But it is necessary. We do not want to see our political system torn asunder, but it is necessary. We do not want to see the once successful economy that we worked so hard to build raped and pillaged by invading hordes, but it is necessary. To fire upon our Holy Land is a sin, to be sure, but to allow it to become Babylon and the Throne of Chaos is a grievance far greater.

So the struggle must continue.

And once city of Babylon has crumbled under our power and burned to must the nation of South Africa be like the Phoenix and rise from the ashes. Rise from the Ashes of Babylon, my brothers and sisters, and create our country again. Our Holy Land.

From the ashes of Babylon, let us create our Zion. And let us never forget the struggle.

The Glorious Struggle.