Freedom Alliance to Technician - We Are NOT Stupid!

Day 1,606, 21:39 Published in USA USA by General Cartman Lee

Technician, who was left in control of the Freedom Alliance after the PTOer Vanek26 decided to resign, claimed he wanted to be a legitimate leader of the party, and yet he has done several things which are contrary to this lie he has repeated on multiple occasions.

Most prominently, I want to mention what he did just a few short hours ago when he renamed the party to "Please leave this party". It is interesting how someone who wants to be a legitimate leader wants the party to fall apart. It just goes to show that his goal is to destroy our party, not build it up. I am asking all my friends in the eUSA to vote for me on Sunday, April 15th, and to stop this bullying and intimidation.

An earlier indication of what his true intentions were was given when he decided to change our party info to "Be careful this party contains many players that do not like the eUSA. The party should be for players that support the eUSA not its enemies. Let use make sure we support the players of the eUSA no compromise."

I don't know how many times I have to say it. Most of my friends and allies are RL Americans, and EDEN expatriates far outnumber ONE expatriates in my party, and everyone I am friends with fights for the USA and its allies. I don't know how much clearer I can be on this. In fact, because of scare tactics like this, I made the saddening decision to ask a Romanian-American friend who has been eager to lead our party to step aside this month, knowing that he will just be branded as a puppet, and probably called a Serb too, because as you know, a lot of the less educated Americans do not know the difference between Romania and Serbia, or any other country for that matter.

I have admitted that I have made mistakes in the past, both in my temperament and in my strategy, but this is the moment where we make up for all of that. Stand with me my friends. This is about having a fair, fun game, and defending what Americans in eRepublik and real life are quickly forgetting, what it means to be a free people.

Vote General Cartman Lee on April 15th.
Fight the Good Fight.
Semper Fi! o7