Free Thoughts

Day 625, 11:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AltmerVampire
Hola all,

I’ve written quite a few articles in my time here on eRep, ranging from commenting on every-day congress matters, to Presidential decision. From articles about issues in the eUK to directing articles at the wilder world. From light hearted commentaries, to biting articles aimed at a particularly annoying section of society. But, unless my memory has failed my miserably, I have never actually written about my party, the Radical Freethinkers Alliance (RFA). So I decided that now is as good a time as any really.

The Radical Freethinkers Alliance’s manifesto can be found here, by the way.

When I first joined the game, I looked around for a party that suited my ideologies in the real world. I was looking for a party that stood directly in the centre of the political scale because for me, neither side of the scale could truly achieve good results, but rather, a mixture of the both sides, with both sides working together in relative peace. So as soon as I was level 7, I joined up in-game and on the forums. And have never looked back since.

Inside the RFA forums I found a group of people who believed what I did. That neither side could truly achieve what a country needs to truly be a good place to live on. Inside the RFA I found a group of immensely hard working people who, like me, wanted to make the eUK a better place, for everyone. Insides the RFA, I found a group of people who became my friends. Now, I know all parties say their members are friends, and in some cases this is undoubtedly true, but I also know for a fact that in most, if not all, parties there is generally quarrels and accusations of elitism. Not so in the RFA, ask anyone and they will tell you we are all friends in the party, no matter when you joined or how well you are known in the eUK social world. And that is what it’s like, we are friends with each other, we respectfully disagree when disagreements are bound to happen due to the sheer diversity of the RFA and most of all we respect each other. We have a voice and we welcome everyone to share that voice, no matter who they are, how old they are, how experienced they are, and what ideologies they hold.

Some people have no idea how the RFA works due to the diversity of our members. They ask how can communists work alongside right-wingers? How can anarchists work alongside totalitarians? The answer is simple. One of our members has an idea, he or she proposes it on the forum and the entire party debates it on its merits. We discuss what are the benefits of the eUK and in the end, would it be fun for the citizens of our country. And from there, we make our decision. And each member respects that, each member loves that about the party. Because it gives them a chance to whet their debating appetites among friends who will respect them and not “flame” them for proposing something that isn’t liked or appreciated. Above all, we appreciate each other’s views, and that is how we work.

Many of our party members are like me, they use ideas from both sides, but increasingly more left-wingers and right-wingers are joining the party because they see the benefits of our system. The RFA is the best place for the prospective politician who wants to brush up on his debating skills. It is the best place for the rising politician to be able to see both sides of an argument and from there is now able to polish up his ability to be able to make successful proposals and in the end become a successful politician. And finally the RFA is the best place for the current generation of politician to, again, be able to see both sides of an argument, to have the support of their entire party behind them, to be able to say no to a party whip and think for themselves and to get away from the vicious party politics that encircle the eUK at the moment. What it is not the best place for, however, is the self serving politicians who use their political influence for their own benefit.

The RFA want to end the stupidity that is party’s competing with each other. It serves no purpose but to further the careers of the politicians who want power more than they want the eUK to prosper. If all parties worked together, discussed the best course of action then the eUK would be a thousand times better for us all. People in all parties see that this is the best choice, and although the RFA does this on a scale inside the party itself, it wants the co-operation felt within the party walls to touch the rest of the eUK. So I urge the PP’s of all parties, to discuss and reach a mutually agreeable conclusion rather than debating issues and generally achieving absolutely nothing out of it, except an inflated ego.

I believe in the RFA because I know it is a step forward for the eUK. I know that only working together can make the eUK into the super power of a country that we all want it to be. I believe that co-operation, friendliness and free thoughts are the way forward.

Other parties have asked me to join them in the past, citing that if I did, I would have a much bigger chance of gaining a congress seat. But I refused. Why, you ask? Because I’m not in this job for the 5 GOLD. I’m not even in it to gain an inflated ego making me think I’m more important than I am. I’m in it to help, help everyone on this game to have a good time, regardless of how my political standing is. That, is why I am in the Radical Freethinkers Alliance.

So if any of this interests you, please either join the party or if you are unwilling, PM your Party President and tell him, that you want change, you want the UK to prosper. Because as a nation, if we work together, nothing can stop us.

Thank you for your time 🙂