Free moving tickets!

Day 627, 08:00 Published in USA USA by Dwight D. Eisenhower

If anyone that is new to this game ( level 9 or under ), who doesn't have much money, needs a moving tickets to Florida or New Jersey, I will provide free ones! Also, If you are in a region that is about to be conquered, or is already conquered, you can p.m. me for moving tickets to Florida or New Jersey. Just make sure you follow orders, and fight everyday! We need to repel the PEACE ( or should I say WAR ? ) invasion. Also, I realize many of our Canadian allies used much of their money to fight in Ontario, and it was lost, so if any Canadians have very little money, and need a moving ticket to Florida or New Jersey, just P.M. me for help!

If anyone new to the game needs any help in the form of advice, or anything else, you can p.m. me with your questions. Here are some helpful articles if you are new to read, they really help explain the game, I've even written some of them.

This article was written by me a while ago, and explains some confusing terms to young players, like what a "tank" and a "PTO" is.

Subscribe to this newspaper if you are new ( or if not ), it is dedicated to newb's, and recently the author has started a Media Mogul Project to raise money for the war effort:

Jewwitt writes great articles all the time, he is an economic genius, and if he gets to 1,000 subscribers he will donate money to the war effort.

These are the daily orders, make sure you subscribe!

This is the White House paper, contains inmportant information on everything, also make sure you sign up for the USNG training division if you are one of our younger citizens.

This is another article written by me a long time ago, it is a guide for young players, it is a 2 part series and includes a link to part 1.

This is a board on the usforums, and includes links to Meals on Wheels, the mentor program, and many other very helpful prgrams for newb's:,7.0.html

This is another thread on the forums, and includes informative articles/ tutorials:,99.0.html

I hopw you found my links helpful!


I decided that I will start a lottery, and that all profits will go to the war effort and figthning PEACE, I have yet to decide where to donate the money ( Marines, Airborne, Mobile Infantry, ect. ), but in my next article I will release the details of it. Here are some other interesting lottery's you might want to participate in.

This one I found on the other forums, Benn Dover and Uncle Sam are getting rid of 2,000+ gold!

This young citizen is starting a lottery to fund the resistance effort in Canada, here is the article, the lottery is for a Q5 weapon ( or more, depending on how many tickets you bought ), tickets are 0.1gold.

If you know any others I will add them in. I encourage all citizens to join the military, you get free weapons to fight with, and are helping the U.S.A. Remember to vote, subscribe, and Comment!

*edit* If you would like to donate money to me so I can buy more moving tickets for people who need them, feel free to do so, some people donated to me without me even asking, so I decided to put this in.