Free Bread Campaign :: Progress Through Compassion

Day 772, 10:27 Published in USA Belgium by Manong Rizal
I don't care if you don't subscribe, just please vote so it can reach many people and help many people!

Read about the Free Bread Campaign here.

Skywalker Xiao
Mekenellie Phawn
Toasty Mittens
S Russo

These are the six people that will receive 5 q3 food! You may also donate your spare food to them if you wish to. I will post another article for the Free Bread Campaign next week with more names of people you can help by donating some spare food.

Also, please help us by telling who these people are! Click this form to enter the names of those players.

If you want to join us, click here to officially volunteer for the Smornge & Rizal Foundation. Don't forget to check our forums as well!

If you wish to help us financially, do it here.

Are you a needy?
Don't be ashamed! I am too, but it is better to know who we are so we can help each other! Please register yourself in our official Needy Census so we can prioritize our lists and be able to find people we can help. We are just starting this program for the foundation so it will be hard in the beginning especially that I am doing everything myself, but I hope things will go together soon!
So register here:

Watch out for the Exclusive Interview With Astra Kat G on January 1 (Tomorrow)!
And with Arjay Phoenician on January 5!

Links To See!
- Free Q2 Company
- Wonderful Year - Awards & Recognitions
- Q2 House for 1 USD!

- eUS Forum is BACK!
- Follow the DOD!
- Umbrella Informer

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