Francis DeBoyle - It's not too late for a new South Korea!

Day 471, 12:08 Published in South Korea Belgium by Francis DeBoyle


In the beginning...
I'm Francis DeBoyle. I came to South Korea nearly 2 months ago. I previously was a congressman for 2 mandates in ePoland. For Poland, I fought in the resistance wars, helped in the economy, made my own company, and became involved in the country. Before that, I lived in the eUK, where I had my own party (for about 2 weeks - it was called Liberal Democratic Socialists), before giving up to fight for Poland. I have been on eRepublik for nearly 6 months and I am level 16.

Life in South Korea so far

I moved to South Korea 2 months ago. I was hoping for to become a good politician here, and my goal was, to have my own party. I registered on the forums, made a few posts to get myself known, and made an article to make sure that everyone knew I was here for a good cause. After a while here, that my dream to become a party president became reality. I straight away changed the name to the Korean Social Democratic Party, which was, and still is, my current political orientation. I found a logo, (which I was REALLY happy with!) and promoted the party. At the congress elections, my party got nearly 17% of the congress. I was very happy. Also, I became the eSouth Korea forum moderator.

What will I do if I get elected?

If I get elected, I will do my best to make eSouth Korea Social Democratic. My (and my party's) goals are...

To have a mixed economy, with mostly privately-owned companies and some government-owned companies, to make sure South Korea's economy is on the right track.
Creating government positions so more can be done, including foreign relations, which at the moment are very needed.
To lower unemployment and inflation in the country, currently, the inflation is much higher than in other countries. We must lower it to make sure our Economy is going in the right place.
Overall, we want to raise the quality of life in South Korea.


Parrot has not done much for Korea from my point of view. Yes, he has done much more than past ones, but like he said, and what is quite obvious, he has not got much time for eRepublik. He set himself goals, of which some of them, to a certain point, were achieved. He did not give many government jobs, for example.
Also, Parrot took praise of what Gibraltar Holdings has done for South Korea. He called it his success story. I am quite angry at this.


I hope that you can vote for me in these elections. I believe I can do more than Parrot did.

However, if you like what me and party stand for, you can always join our party!

Thanks for reading,
Francis DeBoyle

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