France Invasion of Canada: Day 1128

Day 1,128, 15:55 Published in Canada Canada by Lavis Knight

France Invasion of Canada: Day 1128

France secures Atlantic Canada with the fall of Newfoundland and Labrador; meanwhile
Canada prepares for the inevitable battle that never seems to arrive: Quebec.

Here is an update on France:

Here is the Canadian map on Day 1128:

Large version here

France in its conquest did not gain any unique production, but did open a path to bypass
quebec if their force wished to invade Nunavut (Fish).

The longer France waits the better position Canada will be in if Eden Intervenes. Every day Canada goes on at full production is a liability to France, espcially now that they have scoured everything they can from our natural resources.

Therefore Why did France Attack NL? Here are some ideas:

1) Peace Talks:

Now that France has all the resources it needs from Canada it has approached Canada and
offered peace; however, in order to not lose the initiative they have attacked NL and will
continue on to Nunavut depending on the duration of the talks.

2) France isn't ready to hit Quebec yet:

France faced strong resistance from Canada and its allies in NS. Perhaps France needs time to consolodate its own and allied strength before pressing on -> again attacking NL in order to not lose the initiative.

3) Politics over Strategy:

The reasoning being anyones guess.

In the short term France delaying Attacking Key Canadian regions is a boon for Canada and its allies; however, for france is this part of a sound military strategy or is politics pulling at the purse strings?

Best of Luck in Future Battles
