France Invasion of Canada: Day 1127

Day 1,127, 16:34 Published in Canada Canada by Lavis Knight

France Invasion of Canada: Day 1127

As the final stronghold in PEI was overrun the last of the maritime provinces fell under France control. France now enjoys the maximum produce bonus possible (+25😵. With increased production, France has again increased its fighting capacity.

Here is where France Stands:

Here is the Canadian map as of Day 1127:

Large version here

As shown above, France has acquired all Beneficial resources from Canada.In sacrificing PEI Canada did gain another day of full production; however, in turn France has also consolidated its strength:

In offering little to no resistance in PEI and NB (Both 7-0's) Not only has France managed
to increase production and thus theoretical fighting strength,but was able to do so with little use of it's own resources.

With Eden's roots spread elsewhere what will France do?

France is in a difficult position - having the important resources secured it would be prudent to sue for peace;however, Canada is not trustworthy in that regar😛likely any flirtation with that idea on Canada's part would be a stall tactic.

This leaves France with only one real choice: Advance on Quebec and weaken Canada as much as possible before Eden intervention.

Best of Luck in Future Battles,
