France Invasion of Canada: Day 1126

Day 1,126, 15:22 Published in Canada Canada by Lavis Knight

France Invasion of Canada: Day 1126

After Establishing a Forward base in Nova Scotia on Day 1125, France advanced
to the next most logical Target New Brunswick:

On Day 1126 New Brunswick fellwith very little resistance. Now with New Brunswick in their hands France increases its produce bonus by 5% and threatens Canada's only source of Raw Production: Quebec.

Here is France's current situation:

Here is the Canadian Map as of Day 1126:

Large version here

France now has a choice to make, advance into Quebec to cut off Canada's iron Supply,
Weakening weapon production and stranding 500 citizens or attack PEI to fortify further resource production.

If they attack Quebec i expect at the very least token Resistance; however, if they attack PEI i suspect it will be very much like the battle for New Brunswick.

That said, if they go for PEI i would consider ourselves lucky; although, they will consolodate their produce production at (25% Deer). It will allow time for Eden intervention. It will also allow Canada to be at full production for at least another day.

What Will France ultimately do? As with all wars the politicians will decide.

Best of Luck in Future battles,
