Forward America

Day 1,001, 17:39 Published in USA USA by St Krems

I’d like to start this article with a personal apology to everyone who’s felt a little left out of the loop recently. My Real Life has been hectic, so hectic that I have been faced with a choice. When I could get onto eRepublik I could either spend my time doing work, or I could write up an article communicating what I have done recently. I realise that I signed up for a massive job and that there is no excuse for not keeping you in the loop, I ask you to forgive me for the lack of articles, but please don’t forget. This month has been a lesson in just how much work this job is. To give you an example, tonight for dinner I had Chinese take out, while speaking to an Asian president and making some schemes with EDEN and doing some internal cabinet work. You need to be a good multi-tasker and I couldn’t have done this job without my cabinet, who have been absolutely amazing so far this month.

On the subject of my cabinet, there is some turn-over and a new position to announce. I’ll get the most unpleasant bits out of the way. My friend and co-founder of SEES, Joshua Patterson, has decided to step down from the position of Secretary of Media. In his place he leaves his very capable surrogate son, Kentel, who has already lost no time in posting a White House Press Release with plenty of Random Bold text. I have full faith in Kentel and hopefully we will be seeing more regular White House Coverage.

Furthermore, Woxan has been relieved of the post of Secretary of the Treasury. We need active economic leadership with the economy so much in the trash and we simply were not getting it from him. In his place I have asked Habraka Abrivianius to serve as our new Secretary of The Treasury. Habraka is an old player who took a leave of absence for a long time. Those of you around for the Great Invasion will remember his valuable contributions to Kongress at the time and people on the forums now will no doubt know him as a level headed and on the ball type of guy.

And finally, it is my great pleasure to welcome Max MacFarland 2 back to the eUS political scene. As Max has just returned and is unsure yet as to his planned level of involvement in the game I have given back to him the slightly nebulous title of ‘National Security Advisor”. What his role is, even I’m not sure, but I do know it will be a pleasure to have his drive, energy and style back in the cabinet.

In slightly less dramatic but equally important news tomorrow the new Meals on Wheels program begins its trial and evaluation week. I have high hopes for this program and what it will do to our nation’s fighting strength. On a related side topic, if anyone has a spare food company and is looking to donate it to a good cause we are in desperate need of more for our Job Hub program. Any donated companies will be used to help new players earn some money while they learn the game and acquire in game skill. They will also produce food which will be used to feed new players and help recover the wellness of our military. All of these causes are very worthy, I’m sure you’ll agree. Send me a PM if you are interested in helping by donating either a company or some of your time.

Some things on the horizon:
*A possible restructuring of the Brolliance
*Ajay still doing his best to destroy America
*Ostin releasing another poorly constructed article with bad spelling
*Something so big I may need to include a dune reference
*Emerick remaining a gay fish
*A possible new alliance with both Peru and The Czech Republic?

Hugs and Kisses,

Just another guy