FORTIS/EDEN Launch massive Counter-Attack

Day 645, 11:05 Published in USA Australia by Aeros

American MLRS open the attack on Texas


As Day 645 of the New World drags on, it is clear that the United States and Canada have launched a large combined arms offensive across the demarcation line of PEACE occupied North America. It is now clear that the PEACE plan to besiege the US Government in Florida has backfired, as US Armored units shatter through the siege lines and push deep into occupied territory. By publication, Canadian forces have surrounded Quebec City and Montreal in French occupied Canada, while the US has overrun Oklahoma and Texas and has pushed into PEACE Occupied Missouri. The Allied forces also have taken a page from the PEACE playbook and have initiated blocking attacks preventing PEACE from rallying a counter offensive.


Indonesia’s mistaken signing of a Peace treaty that closed the MPP in the Portugal-USA war has now forced the Indonesian Army to face the full power of FORTIS/EDEN alone in North America. The United States is now able to fully block any effort of an Indonesian counterattack by simultaneously striking two regions at once and can draw upon significant allied power to help spread the damage. This is fact not lost on Indonesia, which is desperately trying to rally their forces. News releases in the Indonesian press already bring up the concern that Indonesia could lose the crown jewel of its North American empire, California, if things proceed as they are now. Refusal by the United States to halt the offensive effectively ends any hope of Peace with Indonesia. This war is now a fight to the death.


Efforts by the eRussian government to secure loyal congressmen in occupied America points to a desire for the total integration of Russia’s North American territories into a greater Russian Empire. Previous articles of D.I.R commented on eRussia using this war to assuage wounded pride and perceived insult, and all reporting from this country continues to encourage this belief. Russia is not interested in a Peace treaty that will not give them a significant portion of US Territory, if not all of its currently held regions. They will leap at any chance to resume a PEACE offensive against the United States, something that cannot be permitted. Unlike Indonesia, if Russia is driven out of North America, it will be blocked off permanently from ever menacing American shores until significant region swaps can be completed, a fact that should be considered in military planning.


Because of the recent peace treaty signed by Indonesia, Portugal’s MPP with Indonesia has ceased to exist, preventing further participation by Indonesia in any defense of Portugal’s overseas territories. Portugal’s tiny population, common border with US territory and relatively smaller size makes this country a candidate for annihilation, if the open MPP war cannot be closed. Losing Portugal will mean PEACE has lost one of the major open MPP’s that have allowed it to be so successful. In the interim, without Indonesian military help, Hungary and Russia are the only powers able to provide significant help to defend Portugal’s territory. This problem could be exasperated if Russia chooses to defend its own North American Empire at the cost of Portugals.


With the launching of “Operation Frontenac”, eCanada has gone toe to toe with the French Army and is so far winning in Quebec. Because its occupation closed all of Canada’s MPPs and open wars, it is able to go one on one with each individual occupying PEACE country. This has placed Canada in a position to reclaim its lost territory by conventional means. Additionally, PEACE Region swaps designed to make a Canadian renaissance impossible have now given Canada a common border with every major PEACE power, without any of the drawbacks of a full MPP war. Each PEACE country in North America will be forced to fight the Canadian Army alone, and as consequence, Canada can now block every Peace country from counter-attacking without having to worry about a significant force being brought to bear on them.


The Spanish resistance continues its drive for liberation of eSpain from eFrance, and has met with great success so far. The war in Iberia is proving to be a major distraction for France, and has permitted the Canadian offensive into Quebec. It also further dilutes PEACE power as it attempts to contain the US Offensive.


PEACE has become a victim of its own success. By Wiping out Canada and Spain, it gave both of these countries great room for maneuver without the fear of dealing with a full MPP conflict. The dividing of Canada by various Imperial powers has handed to FORTIS on a silver platter, mutual borders with every PEACE power that can potentially buy the United States infinite time to drive PEACE out of North America with the aid of Canadian blocking maneuvers, which could potentially be accelerated if EDEN takes advantage of similar borders (which they might very well already be doing, given eSwedens attack on Hungary). Further, the failure of PEACE to finish off the United States in favor of attempting to control North America through their MPP’s gave the US Army the one thing it has been begging for since the war began; The power to attack. PEACE will now have to figure a way out of the battle strategies that they themselves perfected in order to defeat the United States, or else run the risk of being driven out of North America all together and facing a potential invasion of their own home territories.