Formidable leader

Day 666, 18:43 Published in USA USA by Tony A Soprano

First and foremost a person who is in a leadership position must be patient They must plan for the short and long term. They must be able to evaluate their countries economical or security weakness and find solutions. They must be decisive in their actions when necessary.

I am running in the great state of Nevada on the platform that taxes must be decreased. Taxes is whats hurting our economy. Citizens must have the ability to purchase items and resources that are necessary to fight for our freedom and keep our wellness up for better production.

Many people say that how is our government going to buy guns to fight PEACE? Who do you think is producing these guns. We the people and companies are producing these goods and services. Taxes are good but too much taxation induces recession in real and in eUSA.

I speak from a first hand experience because I own and operate 3 companies. On a daily basis I see the difficulties that our citizens and companies are facing in these troubled times. I am only considering in lowering taxes by 15 percent on personal income tax and lowering transfer fees from company to organization by 20 percent. Sales tax should be left alone. Most other countries charge only half of what we are charging our citizens and companies.

This will help induce our economy and bring much needed cash flow to the market resulting in more income for the government to rebuild our infrastructure and buy more guns to defend our nation. With all this money the government is receiving from taxation I have yet to see any infrastructure being rebuilt. I realize most the money is used for purchasing weapons but a great defense systems is a good mechanism for deterrence.

Our focus should be on the citizens strength and experience levels. We are hurting our citizens and many companies purchasing power!

We need a better war strategy that would be well thought out before it is executed. Which I believe our new president is doing a fantastic job at the moment.

We need to rebuild our infrastructure which include Q5 hospitals and Defense systems so we don't make it easy for enemies in the future to attack us. Only few states offer this including Florida. But that is not enough. We need to have these in place so people don't have to work or fight from another state which lowers their production capabilities.

A leader must posses many elements to be successful in leading his people in the right direction and protect their freedom at any cost. These elements are tools which must be utilized individually or aggregately depending on the task or situation they confront.

When confronted by formidable enemy they must be able to foresee several steps ahead of our enemies with clarity. In order to win back the states we lost we have to utilize many war options in our strategies to keep the enemy off guard.

There are simple reasons why most men never know when to come off the attack. They form a concrete idea of their goal. Once they achieve victory they only hunger for more. But the art of war brings many variables that blinds your judgment.

Most leaders are victims of their fate, trapped in the moment and their emotions. unable to see beyond immediate dangers. It is the power of being able to overcome the natural human tendency to react to things as they happen, and instead to train oneself to step back, imagining the larger picture taking shape beyond one's immediate vision.

Most People believe that they are in fact aware of the future, that they are planning and thinking ahead. They are usually delude😛 what they are really doing is succumbing to their desire, to what they want the future to be. Their plans are vague, based on their imaginations rather than reality. They make believe they are thinking all the way to the end, but they are really focusing on the happy ending, and deluding themselves by the strength of their desire.

Tony Soprano