Formalized vs spiritual alliances

Day 1,147, 07:49 Published in Hungary Hungary by Nalaja
In the present days, there are real, formalized alliances, and 'spiritual', or in some sense 'virtual' ones. Formalized alliances are the EDEN, the rump-Phoenix, the PANAM and the Group4 (eSerbia, eHungary, eTurkey, eMacedonia). The wannabe alliance between eHungary and ePoland (concerns also eSerbia) is rather a spiritual one, based on feelings and sympathies but has not an organizational background - yet.

In formal alliances the decision system is well-prepared. They have clear and somewhat limited MPP system connecting the parties and sometimes their satellites. It is controlled, how to act and everybody feels what to do and - perhaps it is more important - what you can't do, definitely not against the alliance. If you do it anyway, you are warned, later you face some pressions at the headquarters.

The spiritual alliance, the so called NWO is different. Although eHungary and eSerbia left the Phoenix, they remained close and organized allies of each other as well as of eTurkey and eMacedonia. ePoland and other possible pro-EDEN NWO members are still organized members of the EDEN. The MPP and the cooperation are based on friendly feelings. There are positive gestures eg. the Polish aid to eHungary against eRomania or the help of the Hungarian elite sqauds in Polish RW, but there is no common control center. We've set up a chatroom for people to friendly talks but no military coordination exists. And, of course, there are tensions: eRomania ask why ePoland hits against its formal ally. eCroatia explains that its main resource is its own spotless alliance history and there is no reason to lose it. eHungarian and ePolish fighters hit against each other in Balkan fronts through MPPs.

The NWO is still a spiritual alliance, afloat above the formalized systems. I repeat the summary of my yesterdays article: without formalization, its lifetime seems to be limited.

BREAKING: Is the 'spiritual alliance' growing?