Foreigners are stealing our money!

Day 931, 14:22 Published in USA USA by The Sensei

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1) Introduction

2) USA Q3 Food

3) Spain Q3 Food

4) What can we do

5) July 25th


So I was on the Q3 food market getting ready to buy some food for my friend who I am supplying food while he is away and can only get on low internet cell phone service for a few minutes a day. Being a good American, I checked to see if I was buying good ol' wholesome American food or foreign food. I discovered this instead.


So what does this mean? This means that of the 16 companies that are selling Q3 food at near price offer, over half of them do not operate in this country.
Just a stupid list of countries right? Nope. THERE ARE MORE FOREIGN COMPANIES SELLING Q3 FOOD THAN THERE ARE DOMESTIC ONES. Ukraine, though technically independent, is not an ally of the USA. It should be looked more of at as an enemy given its Phoenix based alliances. This doesn’t mean that we Americans don’t take risks, we have the most companies of any country in the world operating here, this means that our import taxes are too low.


Here is Spain, an ally of ours, close to the same size, with 10% import taxes on food.

Look at that! They have 16 domestic companies operating on their Q3 market, and of the other four, they have 3 allies selling to them (USA, Poland, Croatia) and 1 nonaligned country (Venezuela). THE SPANISH PEOPLE ARE MAKING MONEY, NOT FOREIGNERS. In the USA, there are 20 Q3 companies that have between 9-12 employees (meaning they are active, you can see more here). You can also see my chart of the companies selling in the USA and in Spain from Q1-5, either the first 20 companies listed or the companies selling near market value for good here. So what can we do to stop this?


IMPORT TAXES! We have the lowest possible import taxes, 1%. This means that a country that pays their people the same wages as we do in the USA has to sell for about 3 cents less when they use a license to sell abroad. This means that the USA is an attractive market. This means that American companies are being beat out by foreign ones. This also means that American companies have to try to sell elsewhere in the world. This is not a good thing.

We got a “gift” from congress by lowering the import taxes from 3% to 1%. I’ll tell you what gift I want – I want them back up to 3%. Or even 5%. Then I could afford to open a company in the US. I can’t right now because of all of the foreign companies driving the prices down so low that countries abroad with cheaper workers can outsell our companies and make them fail. Right now, there is no market in the US that, if you open a new company in, you can make a significant profit it.


This leads me to July 25th. Congressional elections. While I am away on humanitarian aid projects in the Dominican Republic this summer, I will not be active. But when I return, I will be running for the office of senator somewhere in the US. I do not know where yet, but I should announce that on July 14th while I am back at home, but before I go to canoe in Minnesota. If you are a senator and are reading this, I do not know what party I will be associating with because I have been on ATO duty for so long, all of the parties have changed since I joined the APA a LONG time ago.

May Dio bless Israel as it returns onto the map.
-The Sensei
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