For Everything, There's a Time and a Place

Day 889, 08:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
The debate most often seen around the New World is the use of Politics, and what purpose it serves. Often times, politics is only useful when you have something you need to accomplish yourself, or as a Party. When you have your own agenda, politics is "part of the game", yet when it's against your agenda, it's useless fluff that needs to go away. It's funny how it works, really, and everyone who has been in a political circle has used this.

I can recall a time in the US when it was all about politics. It was this way because it had long been run by Beta Giants and older players, and young players were still finding their own place in the system. New players used a "Game mechanics" platform to push their own "nonpolitical" agenda (which is ironic considering a year later they turned the same platform into a political one). In the UK, when the Right had the majority the need to relieve the Party Politics was at it's highest considering the large "left/right" split (or more currently the "centrist/left" split). When the Left took power, they began pushing their own "let's remove Politics" agenda because it suited. The Right is back in power, new parties being formed, etc, and here we are, back in the same position we've all been in for two years.

The ironic thing, really, is that every country faces this, regardless of how focused you are on the game itself. Politics, unfortunately, is part of this game. Even with military organised elections, blocking candidates, and PTO/ATO style efforts in every country, we just can't seem to grasp one simple concept:

When it works for you, it's cool. When it doesn't, it's not.

It's not hard to grasp really. Some Erepublikans are good at swaying the public to their opinion, through a mixture of blended logic and facts, and some false truths. Some are not so good, and those usually get trolled to death. Some concepts are widely accepted, some are not. In the end, it doesn't really matter.

Politics only really serves one purpose. Every month, we're going to hear about the new "programmes" that someone wants to run, and more often than not those new things are just shiny reinventions of failed ones or perhaps a change to current structure. They're not really new. The only thing Politics really does is decide the who in the decision making process, and has very little effect on the outcome or what decisions need to be made. Its funny that every month we hear about how horrible someone has done because you dislike their orientation, considering their orientation matters little. Sending troops to battle has no bearing on orientation. Even the broken Erepublik Economic module has little bearing on the orientation of any candidate, regardless of whether they're in Congress or Presidency. The endgame is that Politics has a time and a place, and anyone choosing to place political manuevering where it doesn't belong usually gets rolled under the bus.

I'd suggest, personally, to figure those times out and move on.

Hugs and Kisses,
Just Another Guy