Following the war #4

Day 1,368, 15:05 Published in Norway Norway by Stakerauo

Picture #1

Sweden starts of the day by invading Sørlandet...
Not what I expected, and I don't really see why, but my guess is that they're trying to weaken us by, taking our regions and resisting RWs. Kind of like a siege...
Probably the next attack will come in Østlandet even tho Sweden allready got tons of cattle. They are even about to loose all fish regions.
Because of the sieging and I think they're afraid of bordering to eRussia.
We all remember how Nord-Norge was liberated last time!
Still an ongoing RW in Vestlandet...

Picrure #2

eNorway starts a RW in Trønerlag!
We don't want eSweden to have oil and we kind of need it alot ourselves.
I've said this before but I'll repeat myself. Liberating this region would be a turning point in this war, so please fight for Trønderlag!!

As I said the next battle will come in Østlandet unless we free Trønderlag, as Swedes would be gay for oil... And they hate that we Nords have it 😛

Fight in Trønderlag and stay tuned for the next report 🙂