Five Suggestions for Improving eRepublik: A SPAMM Contender

Day 475, 19:39 Published in Canada Canada by Dominik

This is an official article competing in the SPAMM tournament:

I'm sure that each and every one of you at some point in time have pondered what the game would be like if some interesting extra features were added. I've gone even further in my times of ecynicism (see next edition for my personal edictionary) and thought "What if I had my own Political Simulator game?" I concluded that it would probably be horrible, so instead, I've compiled a list of the features I'd like to see in eRepublik.

5. More Products on the Market

Did you ever want to buy an ecar, an ebook, watch an emovie or own your personal luxury eplane? How about expansion upon the current products? We could see Q2 Mobile Houses, Q4 Caviar or Q2 Daggers! An expansion of the industry would not only make the game overall more enjoyable, but also change the entire political climate- for the better! The complexity of economics would increase, first of all and new meaning would be given to being a company owner. Classes would be created giving more purpose to government economics and economic ideologies. While this concept would mean a bit of work for the admins (ZOMG!!!) but would make give the game much more purpose and add yet another reason for noobs to keep playing.

4. Death

I wasn't sure where to place this idea on my list; it might seem amazing, but its implementation would be a "Hell breaking lose" type of situation. Still, the ability to actually "kill" other citizens would also change the game quite a bit. Two things I'm thinking of in terms of killing- war, and political assasinations. The former would change the way eRepublik is played- the nature of politics would change, with the introduction of something to make war undesirable. The latter would be a rather amusing feature, it would make a party such as CHAOS more (or less, depending on your point of view) legitimate. This particular feature, however, is a very unrealistic one (especially considering the apparent laziness of our admin team) which is why it place so low on this list.

3. Civil Wars/Other Types of Wars

We have resistance wars, true, but they can only be waged over a region that is occuppied. I was thinking of a civil war concept that would include the ability to wage a separatist war (might make the BPQ happy) or merely a political war, rather than one over a region. It might go hand in hand with #4 or simply make War Games more realistic. Now that I think of it, coup d'etat wars might be very interesting as well. With the rising popularity of the belief that eRepublik is primarily a war game, new types of war would be an excellent concept for admins to apply.

2. Citizenship/Immigration System

This has been a controversial one. The concept of a citizenship system is on the admins' to-do list, and is apparently the most realistic feature on this list. I think we can all agree that a citizenship system will be beneficial, stopping those much-despised political take-overs; come to think of it, it would actually make political take-overs a really fun concept since it would actually require some effort (rather than just sheer man-power). Rather than just a simple citizenship system, we can expand upon it- with passports, visas and everything! It would most certainly give the Immigration Minister more work. Just hope the immigration officers aren't anything like real life! (hahaha very original there Dominik)

1. Different Government Types

My absolute #1 suggestion for eRepublik, especially since I see this game primarily as a political simulator. This would be the number one most interesting thing to hit eRepublik. Imagine fascism, socialism, feudalism, totalitarian monarchy and democracy all existing in the eworld. If the concept of civil wars and coup d'etats existed, new meaning would be given to the term "freedom fighting" (since you can't actually suppress anyone at the moment). It would be interesting to see what the government would be allowed to do in a dictatorship- surely the banning of certain industries, and media censorship and most definitely the ability to ban elections/personally choose who is on the ballot. Foreign relations would become more interesting as well, as certain people could actually be called "dictators" and "tyrants". At any rate, it would be an amazing addition to eRepublik and definitely make me want to play for a long time to come!

That was my SPAMM submission; I tried publishing something different from what I normally write (usually my articles are politically themed) and this is the result. Don't judge me too harshly.

List of people that inspired me/I ripped off:

Admins, and their latest article (survey results)
Alias Vision and his latest article- may or may not have inspired the list format of this one.
Several forum/IRC conversations