First article

Day 1,660, 20:11 Published in USA USA by jimlorenzetti

You know what really Grinds My Gears?


Walking around with that big lower lip carrying what ever they want in it.
dont even get me started on how many times i needed extra space to carry items , food , cloths, sports equipment. Gimmie a break god

Witch leads me to my next point.


You can never have enough of them. Something so simple i have to go around all nimbly bibly like lookin for space to put my objects .


You know what grinds my gears even more than that.

Having to pay $125 for 300 gold on this site. all i want is to build tanks but noooooo keeping the little man down.

Cant even afford to feed my own character on the measly 300 dollar a day salary i get from my work in this game.

riskin my life for the war.

Please let me know what you think grinds your gears and ill publish in my next article , thank you!