Fionia's Platform Part 1

Day 983, 20:28 Published in USA USA by Fionia
Once again, remember that there will be a national primary held on August 2nd. I need your support then, not on the 5th (when your vote should be going to Croatia).

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In this article

Tonight’s article is purely about domestic issues. Part 2, coming tomorrow, will be about foreign affairs.
My public campaign channel is #Fionia4POTUS on the Rizon IRC newtwork. Feel free to stop by.
As mentioned in my announcement article, you can provide input, suggestions or questions about policy issues and ideals here:


I spent many months in Congress. I know as well as anyone that every month, there are idiots and deadbeats. But Congress can be more useful than most people believe. As I wrote in an article earlier this month, it not only requires Congressmen to step up and take initiative, it requires the Executive Branch to share information with Congress. The position of Congressional Liaison is not a new one, but it’s one I will be heavily emphasizing. I will continue the efforts I started this month to ensure Congress has more information. Any non-urgent issues will be presented to them, as well as any issues that are not absolutely confidential. I will take their input and advice, because guess what? 50 minds can be better than one, and there will be times when they think of something that I haven’t.


One of my weaknesses is this newspaper. Yes, throughout the entire time I’ve been playing this game, I have been inconsistent about publishing articles. However, I promise to you that throughout the next month, once elected, I will publish 3 to 4 articles a week on current events, my viewpoint, and essential information. Also, I plan to make full use of the Media Department by having my White House Press Secretaries publishing every day. There will never be a lack of information available to citizens about what the government is doing.


As I’ve mentioned in my two most recent articles, I have open applications for cabinet positions. I’m looking for the best and brightest, and while I have found some I have not found enough people to fill every spot (due to googledocs wiping my spreadsheet at one point. I urge anyone and everyone who is interested and knowledgeable to fill out this form: Who’s applied so far? I’ve had a slew of former Congressmen, former PPs, military men, people who have been around the cabinet for months, and former ambassadors. I’ve had an incredibly diverse selection, but I still need more. Only 3 people have applied for the Treasury Department! What can you contribute?

The Military, Militias, and Civilian Damage

What seem to be the biggest factors in winning battles in v2 are spending gold, time zone advantages, and clear coordination. The military and various militia groups are, by definition, coordinated. What we need to do is encourage as many civilians to join these groups as possible, and that starts by informing them of their options. ligtreb wrote an incredible article about this, one that needs to be shown to as many new citizens as possible, and republished if possible. We, as a country, need to enforce the idea that damage should not be wasted, and joining an organized group is the best way not to waste damage.
Regardless, there will always be some holdouts. That’s why I fully intend to have the Department of Defense continue and improve upon the civilian mass attacks that have been started this month. Also, although Arm America was only started late in the month this month, I will ensure that it continues in operation. Nothing is more important than making sure everyone who fights for America is armed and properly informed on how and where to fight.

That's all for today, guys. Thanks for reading, voting, and subscribing. I look forward to your support on the 2nd!

Signing off,
Fifi ^__^