Find Eldorado wait What?

Day 1,086, 14:35 Published in Canada Canada by Mr Robbie

Have you decided to do that mission on the side of the home page yet? Sadly I did and after spending $168 Cad on it found that the next mission is. Get ready for it. MOVE TO SOUTH AMERICA! Now I don't know about you but this is a JOKE! I am a proud Canadian Citizen so i'm not going to go to some South American HELL HOLE under attack by eSpain and have no economy or raw materials just to get a bit of exp.! I mean COME ON! Oh and did i mention that you have to be a traitor and give up EVERYTHING just for one sorry mission.
Well for me its RIDICULOUS so out of the kindness of my heart PLEASE what ever you do don't even attempt to do these mission because you will be VERY disappointed and will have lost around $150 CAD.

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The Politically Correct!