
Day 2,990, 22:39 Published in Australia Canada by Ilene Dover

Well, people of eAustralia, the time has come. The time where I have finally run out of excuses not to put my hand up for election as Country President. I had many, and they have been knocked away one by one.

I won't bore you with the details of them, but over the past day or two (while mentally drafting this article) I've come to realise that this is not such a bad thing. In my time in eAustralia I've learned many things from our various Presidents, and their cabinets. They have kept our regions secure (mostly) and allowed me to prosper as an eCitizen.

So, it is time to give something back. To be sure there is no ambiguity here, I am asking the various party presidents for endorsement as a Country President candidate

For that endorsement, you probably want to know a few things about how I would use my time. This should give you a few ideas. More details will come.

On domestic affairs

JT's concluding term has been a bit of a downer. The public infighting and name calling, then associated trolling by congress members just wore me down. Enough already! Anyone who has e-worked with me before knows that I don't stand fools or grand standing. There will be no articles written for public shaming by any government I lead.

On a positive note, I want to see our country grow. I intend to develop and implement a gold loans scheme, similar to the Tank Bank, that will allow eAustralians to borrow gold from Treasury in order to build raw materials companies. The idea is still a concept for now - I will put more flesh on the idea with every update.

I'd like to promise that I can keep our regions secure. That nothing bad will ever happen to us. But I can't. Sometimes bad things happen to good places. I can (and do) promise that I would never knowingly put our eNation in jeopardy.

On international affairs

I won't beat about the bush here. Our international reputation is at a low ebb right now. Between the public infighting, prominent eCitizens fighting against our allies and a general refusal to put ourselves at risk to help allies... Well, something needs to be done. There are several opportunities to redeem ourselves going begging right now. I hope they are still available after the coming election. If not, something will come up. It's the nature of this game to promote conflict.

It may have escaped your notice (before now), but Day 3000 is fast approaching. It's only a day or two after the CP elections. There is bound to be a special event favouring the war module. If I am elected, we will have a battle under our own flag for Day 3000.

On democracy and dictatorship

Following the survey I ran last week, I have no plans to reinstate a dictatorship. That said, circumstances change. We are a small community. Protective self-dicking at short notice is always on the cards. If this becomes necessary, I will use treasury funds. The public and congress will be kept fully informed during and after. Before too, if time permits (these articles take too long to write).

On people

A few brave people have already signed on as my prospective cabinet. gudzwabofer has chosen to continue his reforms as Minister of Finance into the next term (if we win), and Rusty D has agreed to stop baiting JT and take on the Foreign Affairs portfolio. I've also lined up at least two former Country Presidents to take on an informal adviser position.

That all said, I am a firm believer in many hands making light work (as well as the rejoinder "small hands make much work!"). If you want to be part of my team, I'm only a comment or PM away. People with no prior experience are most welcome to apply. I was new to this government business once-upon-a-time too.