Fighting for what is Right!

Day 670, 19:47 Published in USA USA by Artec

My fellow South Carolinians...

As some of you have seen as of late, the hostile forces who seek to disrupt our way of life have added one more name to their list. Where it was once us against the Russians and Columbians, the French have chosen to take up positions and they are moving down the Eastern seaboard. I will not attempt to sugarcoat this- they're heading our way. And we are not nearly as prepared as we would like to be. Why is this, you might ask? It is because the government in power does not see South Carolina as enough of an asset to send their resources our way. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Isn't that usually the adage? Well, it is obvious that the squeaky wheel has not come from the great state of South Carolina. The powers that be will send troops down to help us defend what is ours, but not until the enemy has already breached the gates. This is unacceptable. It cannot be tolerated. It MUST not be tolerated.

Right now you're probably wondering why I've brought this up. This is reality. Not someone's pipe dream or tactics designed to scare you into voting a certain way. I have a plan for South Carolina. One that involves its long term security. You see, the enemy forces of the organization known as PEACE are being driven out of our country slowly, but surely. This war is coming to an end. It will not end tonight, it will not end a week from now, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. When the smoke clears and America is fully ours once again, measures must be put into place to keep this from happening again. Now while I will not promise a Q5 hospital or defense system, I WILL work to improve what we do have. I will work with other members of Congress to untangle the mass of red tape that is keeping our able-bodied defenders of the future away from their desire to be a part of our military. I will fight to implement a government-funded weapons program so that if we find ourselves under attack once again, those who want to defend our great nation will have the equipment to do so. Those who want to defend our country will know that its government is willing to do what is necessary to LET THEM and to HELP THEM. We cannot win a war with nothing more than our fists.

With this new weapon demand will come a demand for jobs to manufacture these weapons. Some of those jobs are going to be coming right here, to South Carolina. If we need to import raw materials from other states in our blessed country, we will make it attractive for providers to do so instead of facing prohibitive tariffs when they try to get their materials to the states that can use them. However, I WILL fight for increased export tariffs- we will ensure that if we are ever attacked again, those weapons our enemies use will NOT be stamped "Made In The USA." A secure nation is a prosperous nation, and it starts one state at a time. One person at a time. That person is YOU.

In a matter of days, you will be going to the polls to elect your representative in Congress. And you're going to hear from a lot of people who are going to tell you how to vote. I'm not going to do that. However, what I AM going to do is ask you to look at the candidates in this election and ask yourself, "What makes this person worth my vote?" Is it the multitude of endorsements coming from a candidate's own party or from a party that cares so much for this state that they don't even want to send someone here to even try to represent you? Is it the diplomat and war hero who seems more concerned with international relations than the state he wants to represent? Or is the person who wants to put South Carolina FIRST?

In closing, I would like to say this- you're going to hear a lot of things being said over the next week. Some of them are going to sound pretty damn good. Some of them maybe even too good to be true. And you know what they say about things that sound too good to be true. When you go to the polls on Friday, I'm not going to tell you who to vote for. All I will do is ask for your consideration. In the end, the choice is yours.

God Bless You All.
"My America Includes South Carolina."