Fighting 101, Fight smart, get well

Day 472, 16:14 Published in USA USA by Joe DaSmoe

Tonight we will take Mexico's capital in the Central Highlands region. This is another golden opportunity to raise your wellness. Fight Smart, get stronger.

For those who haven't yet battled, here is a bit of a refresher.

You must have wellness above 40 to fight. If you are below 40 you should seek out a gifting partner. Once you are above 40, fight ONCE and heal. Many of you are in Florida, which is home to a Q5 hospital. The quality of the hospital in your state equals your potential wellness gain(Q5=50 wellness) If you are able, move to Florida for battle. If not check your state under the rankings tab and fight according to potential wellness gain provided by your Hospital.

You will lose 10 wellness per fight. If you are barely above 40 wellness, fight ONLY ONE TIME and heal. You can only use the Hospital one time per day. Once you are fully healed, you can fight five times on Day 2. Never allow your wellness to drop below 45 or 50 when fighting. Again whatever you do, battle smart! This is a golden opportunity to raise wellness. Most Americans should be able to end up with wellness of at least 90.

Your fight damage is based on your strength level, wellness level, and weapon quality. The higher the better. Your fight damage equals the amount of points you gain for rank. Each fight yields 2 xp.
If you can afford weapons, buy them. If not fight bare-handed, don't miss your chance to "get well."

For most of you this is common knowledge. Please vote it up for the new guys. For those who find this helpful pass it along via shouts.

Happy hunting! Oorah.

Joe DaSmoe,
Vice President of eAmerica.