FIGHT GREEN and Make 'Em Bleed Red

Day 826, 23:21 Published in Ireland Ireland by Edana Savage

Thought you could catch us with our knickers down, huh? It probably would have worked had I not seen the same song and dance almost two months ago. Glad to see you are consistent. 🙂

You call us occupiers, but we are in fact LIBERATORS! We are a UNITED IRELAND. She was meant to be green, not red. The map looks so much better that way. It never looked right with that little chunk taken out of the corner of our beautiful Emerald Isle. Why do you insist on breaking up a good thing?

Look at it! Look at it, damn you!

It's all gold and pretty on the map right now, and you want to mar it with your tea drinking, pinky tipping ways. 😛 I can't tolerate tea drinkers who put their pinkies up when they drink. It's just not...... right. So I guess you must die now. 😉

Oh, I know what you are going to say. "The Admins made it that way. RL shouldn't come into play. Blah blah blah. (Insert pathetic whining)" I don't give a flying..... banana what the Admins say about it. In fact, I'm sure they had this in mind when they set it up.

One good thing that has come out of this, you don't have to pretend that you like us anymore. No more lip service. No more hiding the fact that you think we are uppity and don't know our place. Glad we finally got this out in the open. I really hate phonies. I have a perverse need to poke and prod until they reveal themselves. I haven't lost my touch, I see. 😉

Well, it's been good. 🙂 No matter what the outcome of this conflict, this will not be the end. You really should have left well enough alone, Dishy dear. You can say all you want about how I damaged our FA relations, but we both know the truth now don't we. Your contempt was not hidden well. I didn't have to do much to bring it out.

I'm sure people were wondering what the hell I was doing. Oh, poor UK. Edana is just being an @sshole for taking NI in their darkest hour. Boo ****ing hoo. Seriously? That's what you are going with? Suck it up, creampuffs. Might want to cut back on the Diva Drama and your sense of entitlement. It's all that pinkie raised tea drinking. Have a Guinness or maybe a wee dram o whiskey or two. It will do you some good. 😉

Now do you see, Ireland? Their "friendship" was only good so long as we didn't want to play with the big boys. As long as we knew our place and didn't upset the order of things. We fit in a nice neat little box of neutrality and that suited them just fine. The minute we indicated that we wanted to do something more, they tore up the Raleigh Treaty.

Behold, Ireland, your "friends".

Speaking of friends, real ones that is. I want to give thanks to all of you who have traveled to our country to provide aid. We are honoured and humbled by your show of support. We would be only too glad to extend the same to you in your hour of need. I have read your articles, your PM's, your comments, and it filled my heart with joy.

I have to say this is the most fun I've had since I started playing this game six months ago. From what I'm seeing, many of you agree.


FIGHT GREEN and make 'em bleed red. 😉

Edana Savage
An Taoiseach
Destroyer of Boxes