Fight Green!!!

Day 654, 00:08 Published in Japan Japan by Ember Firespiral

It has happened again, dear friends. The theos are attempting to steal eSK!

They swooped in half an hour before the end of the day, when only those of us in the IRC at the time would be able to coordinate any fighting in time to make use of the first day of fighting. Most if not all of us had already fought in the training war, of course, and so we had to sacrifice some wellness and/or gold.

They're smart, I'll give them that, but they cannot defeat us if we stand strong together against them!

So, please, even if you have to fight, heal, and fight again, starting the next day at low wellness, it is worth it! We must squash these evildoers. Please, fight GREEN!

Everyone, FIGHT GREEN!

I have used some of my personal savings to buy weapons when I had vowed not to for a while so that I could save up to start a company. But eSK is worth more than my dreams of entrepreneurship...

So, now, go! FIGHT GREEN!!!


PLEASE NOTE: Do NOT fight yourself down below 40 wellness if you have already healed UNLESS you can afford to gift yourself back up to 40.
If you can afford it but do not have anyone you trust to donate the gifts to gift back to you, please message myself or another government official, and we can help you.

If I was rich, I would give weapons and gifts to everyone I could. Unfortunately, I am not, so this article and my own fighting are the best I can do. I, myself forgot to stay above 40 as I fought just before midnight server time, but I have a very generous friend who helped me out. We are not all that lucky, so please be careful when you fight.

PS. Thanks, Fred, for reminding me of that little oversight! 😛

Please ignore the theo propoaganda in the comments, its a waste of seconds of your life to read it. If there are any important updates, you can trust I will put them in the article itself as I did above.

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