Fifty Events To Remember From eCanada's Past

Day 956, 14:38 Published in Canada Canada by 00AngryMobMan00

Hello eCanada!

With V2 coming so very soon now, I decided that now would be a good time for us to reflect and look back on all of eCanada's (and also, all of the eWorld's) greatest accomplishments, craziest ventures, alliance histories, greatest battles, worst pitfalls, insanely smart business ideas, and so much, much more, summed up in only 1 article....

So without further delay, I present to you...

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Number 50 - Meals On Wheels Canada

Nearly nine whole months ago, Artorius Perim, one of our more silent eCanadian politicians, took it upon himself, to create a new program for new citizens called "Meals ON Wheels Canada", and it's goal was to be based upon the Meals On Wheels In Real Life. Meals on Wheels Canada was set to give out food to new citizens who requested it, in partnership with the Ministry of health (Health Services Canada), with the sole intent on raising the crucial wellness, of our fine eCanada citizens.

Number 49 - Writers Guild of Canada Formed

Back on day 489, a new group of writers, came together, to create a prestigious guild in eCanada, called the Writer's Guild of Canada (or WGC for short). To be admitted into the guild, you needed to show (and still need to today) exceptional writing ability and talent. It's original founding members are: Banach, Plugson, Dade Pendwyn, Alias Vision, SensibleVoices, and Marcchelala.

Number 48 - Canadian Paradox Party Formed

The political landscape in eCanada changed once more, as a new party was formed. It's name, was the Canadian Paradox Party. It was originally founded back in the late days of eRepublik Beta, by one of our oldest eRepublik players, Tom Hagen. It has since then continued to grow and show it's political love for eCanada. Although it currently sits at #6 in eCanada, it will continue to grow in the future.

Number 47 - Acacia Mason Changes The Media Landscape

Acacia Mason brings forth a new era of eCanadian Media techniques, as he launches his first ever eCBC Radio One Podcast. The podcasts created back then, and today, are different from any other article or source of media you could read on eRepublik, for instead of reading words and text on a screen, you can rather hear someone talk to you, and convey the same message that way. Because of this idea, Podcasts are coming more and more popular around eCanada, and sooner than later, they will help sculpt eCanadian media.

Number 46 - eUniversity Born Again


The education system in eRepublik, has changed a lot over the last year or more, as the New eCanadian eUniversity, was brought back to life, updated, and re-vitalized with current and up-to-date information and teachings. Although originally created back in the early days of V1, the eUniversity was not very popular back then, and therefore was abandoned. After months of just "sitting there", the eUniversity was re-activated by 00AngryMobMan00, and is now in use across eCanada.

Number 45 - Operation French Toast

A major battle (or series of battles) for eCanada, and (back then) the Atlantis Alliance, against the country of eFrance. Although the turnout may not have been perfect, this important battle in history helped dignify who eCanada was, and how they are a force to be reckoned with. The Canadian Armed Forced cohered and showed their potential in these series of battles.

Number 44 - Canadian Armed Forces Rangers

As a new "training" division for eCanada (and more importantly, the Canadian Armed Forces), the CAF decided to add on a new branch to their military forces, called the "rangers". The Rangers are a group (branch) of the CAF, designated to training solders as "Cadets" and giving them experience for the Regular Forces, or National Reserves.

Number 43 - World War I

Back in December of the year 2008, ATLANTIS and PEACE were at it, after Romania attacked Hungary. eCanada, on the ATLANTIS alliance side, was a part of, and played a major role in, the "bloodiest battle in eHistory".

Number 42 - Office Francophone Formed

To help connect English (Anglophone) and French (Francophone) members of eCanada, the Office Francophone was formed, which helped to minimize the language barrier between the French-Canadians and English-Canadians, by providing excellent services in translations, article reproductions, and so much more. This institution still plays an important role in eCanada today.

Number 41 - The Old Constitution of eCanada

The original constitution was created and derived, in order to make a foundation for future laws and acts in eCanadian society. It has since been changed enough, to now have an original "old" constitution that is kept on record, and a current "new" constitution that is in current use for Congress to use.

Number 40 - The Criminal Code of eCanada

The Canadian Criminal Code, is by far the most important Act (or Law) for the Judicial branch of eCanada, for it states all of our laws and rules that citizens must abide to. Although it has been amendment numerous times, it is still an important piece of work, that is noteworthy in the formation and continual growth and production of eCanada.

Number 39 - Party Ambassadors Program

Originally started by Marcchelala, this intelligent idea, has improved eCanadian Inter-Party Relations tremendously. The idea is simple, just like on the global scale, parties are welcome to send members between parties, to act as a communication link between these two parties. needless to say, these members acclaimed as "ambassadors" play a vital role in a party's inter-political image.

Number 38 - Dirty Politics

Dirty politics is the foundation of fights, hatred, and personal attacks seen in eCanada. Over the months and years, eCanada has seen it's fair share of political attacks through Ads, Articles, Images, and other various sources of media. needless to say, we have seen the result of this, and have learned to control our tempers. Dirty politics, however, is important, as it shows us just how terrible a thing, one single article can be. Long story short, it teaches us a lesson.

Number 37 - MBC Insurance

One of the greatest flops in an eCanadian Business, was the "Mob Bank of Canada" insurance program (MBC) formed and run, by AngryMobMan. The company statement was simple, offer insurance to members of the eRepublik Stock Exchange for a fair monthly price. However, what MBC did not expect, was for everyone to come in at once, asking for their money. MBC was closed due to a debt of over 60 GOLD formed in less than 1 week.

Number 36 - Ironman Theft

On the brink of corruption, eCanada's oldest eRepublik player (acclaimed "Silent Guardian&quot😉 turns against eCanada, in a series of rationed events. First, a set amount of guns is stolen from a high security eCanadian facility, and then distributed out on the market. After, the silent guardian goes to attack against eCanada (keeping in mind, Ironman is one of the strongest men in eRepublik), all in the name of "proving a point". A court case is still ongoing for a verdict on all of this. The Executive Cabinet, CSIS, and Dade Pendwyn, came together to solve this as a whole.

Number 35 - TemujinBC Theft

A while back, another theft occured in eCanada, because of one eCanadian called "TemujinBC". Although a long time ago (and even though tensions have cooled), the value of the theft was put up at over 4000 Canadian Dollars. A high sum. Although most of the money was retrieved, not all of it was. TemujinBC has served 8 weeks with no forums or IRC access, and has also paid the government 4000 CAD as well.

Number 34 - Canada And France Relations

For the longest time, eFrance and eCanada have been "enemies" of one sort or another. If it is not one country attacking another, than it is the other country threatening to attack the other. The main cause is that eFrance is in one alliance, and eCanada is in another. Although many attempts have been made from both sides to calm relations, a war still goes on, resulting in regions being lost and gained by either side. At one point, there was an end to the war, but it was started right back up only days later.

Number 33 - Canada And UK Relations Go Downhill

eCanada and eUK used to be allies back in the days of World War I and ATLANTIS, but after a major series of turns and events, eCanada remains in EDEN, and eUK joined PHOENIX. In either case, a battle and struggle will always be put between these two countries, because of, the alliance issues. It got so bad at one point, that flaming and trolling wars were getting started in eUK and eCanada (in their media).

Number 32 - French Fry War

From May 3rd, 2010 and onwards, a constant battle had been ongoing between eFrance and eCanada, for the sole purpose of region gaining. eFrance has never gone too far on the offensive, and has rather remained a defensive player. To this day, each country in this war has their own original regions still. The Canadian Armed Forces as well as Militia and paramilitary groups allowed for this to happen. It was an excellent experience gain for eCanada.

Number 31 - The Scotia War

The Scotia War marks the first real attack on eCanada, in World War III. This was the first eCanadian region that fell, soon leading into another region going down, and another, and so forth.

Number 30 - World War II

After World War I, with PEACE and ATLANTIS going head to head, came World War II, when Spain declared war on all PEACE (Peace GC) countries, initiating another world war between ATLANTIS and PEACE. eCanada (The Canadian Armed Forces) still played a major role on the ATLANTIS side.

Number 29 - ATLANTIS

The Atlantic Treaty of Latin, American, and Nordic Territories for International Security (ATLANTIS), was a military alliance formed back in Beta and V1. Canada was a member state of it, before it got dissolved. After getting dissolved, eCanada then joined FORTIS.

Number 28 - The Crimson Order

Originally called Bruck's Canucks, formed during the attacks and possible loss of eCanada, as a paramilitary group. From that point, Bruck's Canucks has been renamed up to The Crimson Order, which holds members from eCanada, eUSA, and eSouth Africa. They are more than just a military group, but are also a "mayhem" group, that creates unwanted situations for eCanada. Regardless, they have played important roles at times, during numerous eCanadian battles.

Number 27 - FORTIS

FORTIS is a military alliance, originally created after ATLANTIS dissolved. It's original member states are eCanada, eUSA, eSpain, eIreland, and eUK. However, due to a turn of events, eSpain and eIreland dropped out of this alliance, followed by eUK. The Alliance FORTIS was again dissolved, and later renamed the "Bromance" or "Brolliance".

Number 26 - Order of eCanada Re-Established

Jacobi, revived the order of eCanada during one of his later terms. He was inclined to do so, to show off the potential eCanada has, and to use it as an incentive to help create more critical thinking and Hard workers. Those who are worthy enough, get their names placed in the order of eCanada.

Number 25 - eCan Awards Show

As another tribute to all of the fantastic work eCanada does, our own "Powerown" established this new program, run on a monthly basis, to help shoe eCanada who are truly the powerhouses of tomorrow. After a few months, the idea was dropped, and handed down to Jefflav. There have yet to be another ceremony, but another one is most likely going to be planned for the near future.

Number 24 - The United eNations Announced

On a last hope of desperation and world peace, AngryMobMan re-founded the United eNations (and is still currently doing so), for any and every country to join, to help prevent World Wars to a certain extent. The final charter is currently being produced, and within a month, countries will be invited to become a part of this.

Number 23 - eUniversity Re-Reborn

After months of down time (and after large public unpopularity), the eCanadian University was once again re-established by one JB Furglar. JB Furglar has gotten the eUniversity off to a great start, and looks like it will stay for good this time. The eUNiversity is also currently being run under a "Board of Directors", of which includes both JB Furglar, and AngryMobMan.

Number 22 - Graingate Scandal

The term "graingate" was given to the actions produced by Jacobi and his supporters, when he announced his proposal of destroying the Grain (food) industry for numerous valid points. There was a political and economic uproar about this, and in the end, the Graingate proposal (which was set to change the taxes to reduce grain companies) was rejected, and never talked about since.

Number 21 - The New constitution of eCanada

After numerous amendments, eCanada has produced a final version of a "new" constitution, which goes over the basic rights and agreements between citizens and government officials. The term "new" is given, since so many overhauls and changes have been made to the document, that it is nothing like the 'original" version, that the "old" one is now considered a historic document, whereas the "new" one is the one eCanada uses today.

Number 20 - Bilingualism In eCanada

To reduce tensions between the French and English citizens of eCanada (due to cultures and language barriers), the government set forth to help reduce these tension, in various ways. Some of which, included translating official documents into English and French, making our forums bilingual, allowing the freedom to speak either language, and adding more members to the Office Francophone. These efforts have allowed the French and English citizens of eCanada to work together in better harmony.

Number 19 - eUniversity International Project

Another attempted project by the eUniversity originally, was to go to every single country in the world, and produce some form of education for its citizens. Although the idea never came through, the potential was still there, and it showed that eCanada can be generous to any country (since the project was targeted at both EDEN and PHOENIX (PEACE) countries at the time). However, the eUniversity remains still in eCanada only, but open to anyone.

Number 18 - Support A Platoon

The Support A Platoon program, is a program that allows the Canadian Armed Forces better funding, to buy better weapons, and in the end, do more damage, because of public support and donations. The original idea was created by the Canadian Armed Forces High Command, but has here, since gathered the support of many, many Canadians, and has become a very successful program.

Number 17 - Habitat For eHumanity

The Habitat For Humanity program was developed and launched by both Chamrajnagar and SirDeLaShaunRonSmith. It has over the months gathered momentum, and continues today to provide housing and care to many citizens that are new and in need.

Number 16 - eCanadian Remembrance Day

An idea originally proposed by Marcchelala, has since grown to a popular level. Recently, Frankypicoto took the initiative (co-helped by AngryMobMan) to form a remembrance day ceremony on eRepublik and on IRC, to where eCanadians from all around, could come together to mourn the deaths of loved eRepublik players. It was a successful event nonetheless.

Number 15 - PEACE to PHOENIX

A new alliance has formed up against eCanada and EDEN (Brolliance). Rising up from the remains of slaughtered PEACE (PEACE GC), came a new military alliance called PHOENIX.. It continues to counteract the forces of eCanada, and EDEN, and The Brolliance.

Number 14 - Canadian Security Intelligence Service

The CSIS, had played an influential role in the development of eCanada, for it does all of the 'behind the scenes" work on many eCanadian situations. They provide information on anyone and everyone, and can also provide details usually oblivious to others. They are an invaluable part of eCanada, and is currently led prominently, and will continue to be.

Number 13 - eCanadian Wikipedia Responsibility Act

In an attempt to bring back eCanada's origins, a new system for the eCanadian WIKI, has been proposed and approved. With this act, eCanada can better post information about itself, and can therefore educate new members about history even more. This act is still in use right now.

Number 12 - Jacobi Wins. Again. And Again. And Again. And Again. And Again.

We all know the name Jacobi in eCanada, whether you consider it a good thing or not. We all know, how Jacobi is one of the (if not the) best politician in eCanada, since he has won, six presidential elections, and can probably win a seventh if he so tried to. He has accomplished mush, and has influenced eCanada in many ways, good and bad.

Number 11 - Military merit Re-Established

The order of military merit has been re-founded by Jacobi once more, in order to shoe eCanada just who our true veterans are. Many names are listed upon the order, and many more are to follow. It is the greatest honour for and soldier, to reach a place on here.

Number 10 - SHIELD

The SHIELD formation was another group created to use in the Brolliance alliance. It's purpose was more than just military tactics. It was also used as a private library of information, teaching grounds for citizens, question and answer areas, sub-groups and committees, and so much more. SHIELD is currently inactive compared to what it used to be, but may be revamped one day again.

Number 9 - EDEN Formation

After FORTIS and ATLANTIS were dissolved, a new alliance came about, which is still in use today. It is called the eRepublik Defence and Economy Network (EDEN). eCanada is a current member of EDEN, and plays an active role in it. It is Anti-PHOENIX and Anti-PEACE, and will do anything to stop them. EDEN played a major role in World War III and World War IV.

Number 8 - Brolliance

The Brolliance (Brother and Alliance), or also called the "Bromance", is a new alliance that is partnered with EDEN, and is also Anti-Phoenix. The original members spawning from this were eCanada and eUSA after FORTIS dissolved. however, to this day, eAustralia, eJapan, and eIreland, are all members of this alliance, as well as eCanada and eUSA. They continue to fight along side EDEN in important battles.

Number 7 - Long Swords Rebellion

After a long and tiresome dispute between Congress and Soldiers, the Canadian Armed Forces sought to put a stop to all the madness. They ran a surprise joke attempt, into showing congress that the CAF can really mean business. The CAF, under Chucky Norris, had the option to run for congress, with a fake avatar, in the thought of getting them into congress, and have CAF members control congress for once. This was of course all a set-up, and was later revealed that the entire plan was NOT real, but was to scare congress into being nicer.

Number 6 - World War III

World War III, or The Great War of 2009, was an intricate series of attacks from PEACE (at that time) countries, against North American "EDEN" countries (Canada and USA). It all started with eFrance attacking Canada from the east, then Russia coming in North America from the North, then Indonesia against USA in the western United-States, and Portugal against eUSA from the eastern side of the States. In the end, PEACE had all of North America, except for one region. From that one region, many counter attacks began, one by one.

Number 5 - eCanada Loses All Regions

During World War III, it was a sad day in eCanada, when, there was NO eCanada left on the map. Each region was taken away from eCanada, one by one. And finally, Ontario, our last hope, fell on us. We were never to be seen on the map, until the counter-attacks started. A grim time indeed.

Number 4 - USA/Canada Work To Regain Regions

After the attacks stopped on eCanada and eUSA from PEACE, the counter-attacks and resistance wars began. One by one, eCanada was helping the eUSA (and the other way around) regain strategic regions, to hopefully push out PEACE from North America. it was a long and hard, and tiresome weeks, as we watched our nations work together like they never did before.

Number 3 - A Major Comeback For EDEN

After long nights of planning and strategy, EDEN finally started to push back PHOENIX from North America. With this, a new sense of bonds and cohesion came about, and a true sense of friendship, and nationalism came with that as well. Ever since that one event, EDEN has been closer than ever, and stands up for one another more than ever as well. A true alliance, indeed.

Number 2 - World War IV

After successfully pushing back PEACE away from North America, a large ongoing attack went against PEACE, which eventually butchered and destroyed PEACE. From it's ashes, arose a NEW alliance, called PHOENIX, which then, to this day, has continually attacked EDEN, and since then, both sides have gone head-to-head on many different fronts, involving many countries. There is no end in sight, for the conflicts between these 2 countries.

And of course, the best event for last, that everyone will remember:

Number 1 - North America Reclaimed

After long, hard months of unruly attacks, and after numerous amounts of guns, fights, damage, blood, sweat, tears, commands, gold, tanking, and so much, much more, eCanada, and EDEN, finally regain what is theirs, and shoe to the world, that they can be a force to reckoned with. On that day, eCanada regained it's final region, and has since then, defended it with pride and glory.

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After so many months, and many fights, and many events, it's hard to believe that eCanada accomplished so mush in V1. If we stay the same road, and continue what we do, we are going to to be damn amazing in v2 😃
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Great work so far, eCanada 🙂
