Federalist News Update

Day 906, 18:51 Published in USA USA by Federalist Party
Table Of Contents

Federalist Party President Platforms
Federalist Party Forums
Federalist Congressional Elections

Federalist Party President Platforms

Well, its the day before Party President elections. If you are wondering still who to vote for well let me fill you in. There are only two official candidates and these were decided upon the Primaries that were held on the Federalist Party Forums. The candidates are Qubert18 and our current Party President Greene12. Tomorrow we will decide the fate of our party as we will elect/reelect one of these two gentlemen. So please come out and vote for only 1 of these fine gentlemen.

Federalist Party Forums

Alright, I know that there are quite a few of us signed up for the Federalist Forums but how many of you actually visit there every day at least once a day? Well, I would like to encourage you to try and get on there more often. The Forums are the place where the party itself communicates and where you can take a job in the party.

Federalist Party Forums

Get on here and start becoming active. Check out the Human Resource department for possible jobs in the party. We would love to see you around.

Federalist Congressional Elections

Alrighty folks, this is the last part of this newsletter I promise. Anyway, Congressional elections are coming up and we need your help. What we need you to do is get on the forums and sign up to be a blocker and/or a Mobile Voter. This helps not only the Federalist Party but it also helps secure the eUS against potenial PTO efforts. So if you want to help out your country in a big way become a Mobile Voter or Blocker today.

Again to sign up to be a Mobile Voter/Blocker you have to visit the Federalist Party Forums. The link is down below.

Federalist Party Forums - Come check it out.

Written By Josh Eagle