Explaination of a (simple) choice

Day 720, 07:58 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by JNArno

Hi everyone.

On this edition of The Leman Oberver, I'll talk (a lot) about our association with EDEN.

Yes, I know, a lot of you are screaming right now, telling that we always said that we will remain neutral and that we won't choose a side in the EDEN-PEACE war. A lot of you are saying that we are now Eden's puppet. In short: a lot of you think that we were wrong to do that choice... The question is... did we really have a choice? Give me five minutes to explain the situation to you:

We are a small country, we are a small population, our economy is not yet fixed... Let's be honnest with ourselves: without help, eSwitzerland looks like nothing right now... This is why, I think you'll all agree that our country needs help. We don't want to be a nation of "2 clickers" (connect-work-train-disconnect), we want to be a nation that exist! And it means that we need help from others. Now let's look at our three options: Neutrality, PEACE, EDEN.

We tried Neutrality, we really did. As I'm a big supporter of it IRL, let's be honnest, it works because IRL Switzerland has a strong economy, with the banks, and so on. Us? The theocrats screwed up so much our economy that it won't be fixed before something like 6 months or so. We haven't a large number of citizen, we are unorganized (althought we're working hard on a correct hierarchy), look at us: we're a flee trying to push an elephant! I can assure you that we tried a lot, but recent events led us to make a choice: eSwitzerland can't be neutral now... we are to vulnerable.

I'm a new citizen, not even 100 days... In a game that is more than 700 days old, I understand it's almost nothing. This game has a past, eSwitzerland too... My country was occupied by some terrorists who chosed to do some things, but honnestly, I don't care about that. I mean that I don't have to pay for the mistake some terrorists have done with my country. And what did PEACE did with us? let me explain you all the story now...

A lot of you know that our little group organized itself to a Governement in exile, in a forum that doesn't exist anymore. We, by the voice of our elected president in exile Eleriel, started to negociate with Hungary. After two weeks, it was decided that we could free a region: Deutschschweiz. In clear it means this: after two weeks of yes then no, then yes again. They told us less than 24h before the start of the RW that it was ok but they asked for... 500G and the cost of the RW... For those who might not now, after PEACE took all the US, they demanded 300G for a high RM region and 200 for a low one. What RM does Deutschschweiz have? Medium in Grain and Wood... But we didn't care, we wanted our country back and we paid. They said that the region would be free easely, the wall was over 70'000 8 hours before the end... Without some foreign help (principaly from EDEN country by the way) we would have been unable to win it...

After that, they promised us a lot of help to take the congress... Again, nobody showed up...

The next step was the freedom of the Romandie region: 390G and the RW (remember what I said about what the US had to pay?) for a Medium RM region in Grain. The day after that, we had the opportunity to take back Svizzra Italiana for 50G. Was it a good will of the hungarian? no again, they spend so much in the battle against EDEN that they needed urgently some Golds...

The two last points are the best for me: after that we tried to sign a NAP with them.. we sent them one, they sent it back with a lot of "improvements" making us, in short, their bitch: basically, the only thing we had the right to do was defend ourselves during an attack (but with no mention of some help from them). Then came the last big battle between EDEN and PEACE, the day after that, Eleriel launched an attack on Graubunden (a region with less than 10 people in it), to make a TW... Ok it was not the smatest idea he had but let's be honnest: was it a real threat on Hungary? So the next day, they forced us to sign peace with them in attacking us...

On the other hand, what did EDEN and Broliance countries did for us? a Q5 Hospital, a lot of friendship, a lot of money... in four words: a lot of help...

Now I don't want to say that PEACE is nothing else but Hungary: we had a lot of help from Japan and France too... Two countries that are not happy with the current situation in PEACE. eSwitzerland does not want to conquer the worl😛 we just want to be free. We found some friends and we know that they'll help us if something happens to us. For the rest, we hope that we could maintain our good relationship with our PEACE friends because they know that we don't want to attack them. In EDEN, eSwitzerland will be a country who will talk wisely, I can assure you of that!

Thank you for your (long) time,

Our forum: http://www.eHelvetia.ch/
Our IRC: #eSwitzerland on Rizon.net
Our National Bank if you wish to make donations (and please do 😛) : http://www.erepublik.com/en/organization/1596353

Vice President of eSwitzerland - JNArno - Congressman of Deutschschweiz
