Everyone is the Creator of His own Path !

Day 361, 14:57 Published in Romania Romania by OchiReci
Motto : “Some things in life are fair, some things aren’t. Some things are worth the fight, some things aren’t …in the end you can’t ask somebody to do what you will never do in his position and pretend is fair, because it isn’t”

○○○○○ A. Picture of Romania Empire ...

We are currently one of the biggest country from erepublik, our small country expand true time and become now an empire who rule over 5 country or parts of country [ Romania, Moldova, Ukraine , Hungary, Slovakia ]

You will say this is a game and everything is possible and is cool, and off-course I will agree… but I won’t do it without some sadness in my voice. The reason is simple… the real Romania in more than 2000 years of existence, never carry a conquest war, we always was the defense line, defending our sweet lands and protecting our neighbors from roman empire, ottoman empire, Austro-Hungarian empire, Russian empire. … etc [ from all history, all empire from Europe have a small problem with our small country that resolve on battle field and most of them have more than one problem  ]

You might say after that … that this permanent defense and search for peace cost us a great amount of pain and our country was divided several time by all kind of empires over the time. I will agree again … but I will say something about it also: we are who we are now because we have this legacy from our ancients, if things in past wasn’t so harsh for us, our generation wasn’t the way is now …maybe was much worst … maybe was much better … we will never know.

Why I suddenly need to write this?

The reason: we become in this game something we aren’t in real life … we become something most of us hate because the lessons we all learn in school on history class, we become the oppression now, we are the one who demand blood for our needs now and we aren’t the one who fight for freedom and justice anymore [ at least not in this world ]

We expand in time and we get under our wings Moldova [ who come under a unification referendum ] , Uckrain [ a deserted country ] and parts of Hungary [ our most lovely neybor ] and Slovakia [ we only take them province to free them ]

Internal situation in Romania is looking bad only if you see the Romanian - Hungarian fight that move from war field in newspaper. Now we are force to live together and this isn't something we expect after all

I frankly don’t believe Hungary people can live under Romania, and frankly don’t even want to share the same country with them because I do not believe we can live together, we are and we always was on 2 oppose side of barricade. Our believes and support was never on same side. I might say we fight from everything on each level, from culture, to economy, to history and even from a Transylvanian specific drink paternity call “palinca”

Most of you will say , that this little conflict from press isn't so active now , but I must remember you how many efforts was made once to not allow Magyar party to enter in a Congress election , and who can say that this situation won`t repeat.

○○○○○ B. Reputation in eWord ...

Our reputation on this game ... three facts : we start the world war 1 , some of us takeover Ireland , and some of us takeover Bulgaria. Why ? Because we can , because we have reasons , because we are powerful and will be a shame to not use it.

Is that ok ? Maybe yes , maybe not .. maybe some of us leave Ireland because was a bad situation .. and we try to stop them by sending them in other country ... is that not good enough ? OK then maybe we send them in a country that betray us in past ...so we need to revenge ? Isn't enough now ? . Dosn`t all this reason make us be correct in our individual goal ?

Does it matter that in Ireland some of us succeed and takeover the country and finish the job by trying to print 2 million IEP [ 24.000 gold ] that was suppose to go in them pockets , and that only the admins was able to stop them ?

After that does it matter that our takeover from Bulgaria was a failure because Italian citizen help local governmental ?

Maybe yes or maybe not ... is not something I can debate ... even if I was knowing both situation from long time until was made , and I diden`t do nothing to stop them. Why ? Because is nothing I can do , is not my problem how others decide to play there game , they might be wrong , might be some moral value broken , but is not my problem ...I`m not the one in charge...I`m just a men in my country trying to survive ..so why should I care about what others do in world ? Maybe because they are my fellows and every action they make will break over Romania and over all is citizens. But who cares ? Is just a game after all , right ?

Some time ago I heard about a international group [ goons ] that want to come in future and takeover our government. That amuse me, I`m not sure how many chance they have , but I`m sure of one thing ... you can`t do to others what you don`t like to happen to you ..because sooner or later the wheel of time will change.

I`m just curios this eRomania will be fine rule by others ? , will we be able to survive in that harsh time ? We don`t even consider to have 2-3 foreign congressman on our country ...what we will do then ?

And if all of this wasn't enough and if all the shame we endurance wasn't clean when we free Slovakia , I hear that soon another group of Romanian will take-over another country. This time won`t be a ally country , like first time, and it won`t be an Atlantis country ... but those this matter ?

First time in Ireland chase the situation was bad , and the result of that action bring Romania in a odd position. Our ally from Atlantis ask us express in that time to remove our people from there and to let the locals to develop on its on. [ Ireland was a country from Atlantis and that take-over make us look bad in the eyes of our ally so imagine how it was looking in non-ally country , and believe me was bad ]

Second time ... on Bulgaria chase ... our fellows was beating on there own games by Italian who move in the same time , but with different purpose , not to take-over the country .. but to protect and assure that the locals will still have the power [ Because Bulgaria is a Peace member ]

Now coming from this ehistory lesson to present day , I wanna express my disappointment because one more time some of us try to takeover another country and more bad because are a lot of people [ most of them are new in game ] who are attract on his game with money and arms [ from that country Treasury off-course ]

Is sad to sell your soul for some virtual money , only because you are not able to make them in a fair way , or maybe just because you find the game to boring with 2 click per day and 10 trivia questions . But will become a drama when the same Romanian who will participate one more time will rise there voice and will start saying : we help Romania ... when in fact all of this will not help it .. only will drop it in the highest see and let it drawn.

I understand the fact that everybody have a way to show there skills , some of us work for community , some of us have a military background , some of us a political one ... etc , and off-course some of us might consider themselves the new conquistadors ...because will be fun and will be well paid. But does it all have the same price ? I don`t think so.

All actions have reactions , all attempt have responds ... so I ask all of you to think very well until you enter on a game you don`t know nothing about. Maybe you will become rich in short time , maybe you will believe you become a hero and you will pretend to be one , maybe you will find faith and confidence in your colleges ... but it is really fair ? it is the real spirit of the game ? I know is possible ..but that don't means is right.

Maybe nobody tell you how much we suffer and how much we struggle in the past to clean a name "Romania" , how important was to free a country , because we give our word , to wipe out the mistake of past.

All is relative , first time I was sad because this article , but now I don`t care. Is not my call , is not my path neither to approve it , neither to deny it, but I strongly dissociate from it.

Remember something , all of you : that isn't a Romania Governmental , Congress , Military or President decision .. is not official ... is just a single person wish ... and in the moment you steep on his game .. you need to be prepare for the worst chase. Romania isn't on his own in this world , we are a part of Atlantis and even if our elected administration , and our Congress will vote or support such actions ..we never know what our powerful ally will have on there agenda. All of this will ruin or will not all our external politic that we struggle to build in time and not only.

Think about the international consequence , about how many embargoes Romania will have , how many small country , how many Peace country , and even how many Atlantis country will close there border for us ... and will cut our raw material supply like respond , like a way to show there disagree [ small country because will be afraid , Peace because are our enemy , and Atlantis members might do that because they might have the same embargoes also ]

Think after that about the goons who organize in shadow from some time and already threat us with a take - over action. Don`t be so immature to believe they don`t have a chance ..because there number might rise several time if we give them reason , and what we use for others can be use against us. [ Read again chapter A , and after imagine what will be if some peace citizen will come to vote in Romania ]

All of you will open again the Pandora Box , sadly just after we manage hardly to close it.

But once again ... Is your decision .. your vote ... you choose your country or your path .. you can`t simple choose booth [ and you will see in time why ].

PS: As you all see, we the members of FTR have military missions very often and the presence is mandatory and who will miss any of them because they will be part of such an action like the one in Victor Petrescu's article, and will put this above the Romania's interest and above the Romanian Army orders will be permanently banned from the FTR organization.

I apologias if my English ins`t so good, hope all of you will understand anyway