Every Nation Deserves Sovereignty.

Day 629, 00:14 Published in India India by ArjaaAine
In Lieu of the recent wars, I have noticed a sad fact. Countries which were conquered before are conquering others.

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Disclaimer: I am neutral, I care the least for any alliances, but this war is getting out of hand. Too many countries being victims when they don't deserve to be. And I am against that. I am not against PEACE, but I am against Imperialism.

Disclaimer 2: Nothing in this article represents the views of anyone BUT me. Not my country, not my government and NOT my friends.

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I am relatively new to the game, compared to erep history and have missed the first two world wars.. But I know countries are taken off the map every now and then.
My own country (India) was destroyed twice by different countries. And I know how painful it is to wake up everyday and find out that your motherland was taken away by some selfish aristocrats who want nothing more than power.

I want power too, and if I was in their place.. I may have done the same. But for those nations who have been oppressed upon once; Seeking revenge and then destroying others is harsh but forgivable.
Revenge is sweet, but you should also realize.. the governments were different, the people were diff and the times were different.

Still Revenge is forgivable.

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Destroying a country who helped their friend survive, just because its part of an enemy alliance? That's inhumane....
Breathing in free air is the birth right of every human being and YOU have no right to take it away from them.
You HAVE NO RIGHT to destroy a country's hard worked economy for your power hungry desires. You HAVE NO RIGHT to imprison other citizens so serve under your country. You HAVE NO RIGHT to Vanquish a nation from the map, just because it was DEFENDING its friends.

I was enjoying the war earlier.. Not because USA was loosing, but because of the thrill.. the excitement and the energy in the eWorld.
Now its just sad how PEACE is destroying any country which helped USA.. just because IT CAN.
You are now truly acting like a bully and remember Bullies Never WIN. They just bully around till someone bigger than them comes and then whoops them around.

I personally cry out to all the nations fighting for the sovereignty right now. I extend my hand to help you. I extend my good wishes to you and I extend my heartfelt grief at your loss.

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