Day 1,587, 04:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Emperor Richardum Cranium

Well, I felt a really sharp pain in my back this evening and not because of the elections, but an e-mail that I received from a friend of mine. It is quite obvious that I really and truly the MOST HATED. It is also obvious Alfa believes that I have multi-accounts and has tired to establish a "gold line". Alfa has even gone as far as actually reporting me. From what my friend told me only 5 people were in the UKPP chatroom. I guess my friends supported me and not the "official" candidates and in fact, it is almost like a union job where someone is "next in line for promotion".
As for certain members of my "own party" I will take the high road and I will still serve for the best interests of our party. After my 30 days are up I will resign and you can go back and continue to your "good 'ole boy" days. I did have respect for you, my fellow members. And as they say in Scotland, "I'll take the high road" and I'll let the readers REALLY KNOW what this party is like. Oh UKPP, here is your sword. You know, the one used to stab me in the back with. Here is the excerpt that was e-mailed to me.

+++ mib_0pqrwy set to mode +Wix
20:50 *** mib_0pqrwy joined #UKPP
Welcome to UKPP's public channel || Party: http://tinyurl.com/5sm7aqd || Forum: http://tinyurl.com/6fz5xy2 || Wiki: http://tinyurl.com/6bhasgn || MU: http://tinyurl.com/6c6sp7r || Party Website: http://z13.invisionfree.com/eUK/index.php?act=idx || Private Channel: #UKPP.Private || Royal Navy Channel: #UKPP.Navy
Topic set by Sir_Nick!cgiirc@Rizon-479BBB0C.pres.cable.virginmedia.com on Thu Jan 05 2012 23:47:34 GMT+1000 (West Pacific Standard Time)
20:50 helpmeslack
20:50 Alfagrem it may be that the party endorses the treaty
20:51 GTorge anyway
20:51 GTorge I will have to halt my work on an article
20:51 Alfagrem can wait till 2mrw
20:51 GTorge yeah
20:51 GTorge exactly
20:51 GTorge focus on Congress
20:51 helpmeslack so during congress strike vote thingy we can also do teh topic of treaty?
20:52 GTorge OMG
20:52 Alfagrem 12 o'clock and we currentlyhave 3 seats
20:52 GTorge FUCK
20:52 Alfagrem no we can't helpmeslack
20:52 GTorge ERC has got 13 votes and I have 1
20:52 GTorge I'm official
20:52 GTorge FFS
20:52 GTorge GRRR
20:52 helpmeslack lol GTorge
20:52 Alfagrem he's been reported GTorge
20:52 Alfagrem we're not counting him
20:53 GTorge PS: All supporters of ERC will be removed from RN
20:53 Alfagrem ?
20:53 GTorge who are in my regiment
20:53 *** bobbinbob quit ()
20:53 *** rob is now known as bobbinbob
20:53 Alfagrem you may want to make a definition between supporter and multi
20:53 GTorge really, are they multis
20:54 Alfagrem like I said - he's been ticketed with my 'gold-line'
20:54 Alfagrem and those votes he got were going to be his votes anyway
20:54 Alfagrem not going to us
20:55 Alfagrem besides..............N.Ireland still looks good for us
20:55 helpmeslack someone needs to tell him that he prolly haz enough votes now and any moar is detrimental to UKPP?
20:55 bobbinbob Next round I'll run with you guys (if we still ahve regions at that point
20:55 helpmeslack maybe get him to swing multi votes to officials?
20:55 helpmeslack
20:55 Alfagrem nope
20:55 GTorge Alfa, I only have 1 vote
20:56 GTorge it's not going well
20:56 Alfagrem yep and we have an RN ready to 'vote strike' from 1800H onwards
20:56 Alfagrem + I did message all UKPPers about the strike
20:56 GTorge yeah, can we get some priorities set
20:56 GTorge get everyone into top 10
20:56 Alfagrem whilst I don't expect 250 to turn up (as that was severly test my supplies)
20:56 bobbinbob and for once I read my mail when i logged in
20:56 Alfagrem we'll get enough
20:56 GTorge then go for extras
20:57 helpmeslack ofc richards multis are spammin RN channel
20:57 Alfagrem yerp
20:57 helpmeslack so there be lost votes there
20:57 helpmeslack tho maybe some will see my comment on latest one and think otherwise
20:57 helpmeslack :3
20:57 Alfagrem may have err'd in waiting for the last minute to send the messages
20:57 helpmeslack lol Alfagrem slaxor!
20:57 helpmeslack
20:57 Alfagrem probably would of been better to send them last nite and risk them misplacing the article
20:58 Alfagrem I went for "Fresh, hot message" over forgetting it
20:58 Alfagrem see how that pans out later!
20:58 Alfagrem I'll be honest here............If we can match ESO/UKRP................happy
20:58 bobbinbob I'm sure we will do fine
20:59 Alfagrem we have more raw numbers
20:59 Alfagrem but they have experience
20:59 GTorge gRR
20:59 GTorge 4 votes to BMT
20:59 Alfagrem experience of doing elections (which many of our members don't) and also a tie in votes is broken by experience
20:59 Alfagrem so we always have to get +1 over them
21:00 Alfagrem unless you're me ofc
21:00 helpmeslack
21:00 Alfagrem
21:00 Alfagrem I voted BMT
21:00 helpmeslack im a pretty high level
21:00 GTorge WTF
21:00 Alfagrem BMT is official
21:00 helpmeslack gawwwd GTorge stop stessin
21:00 helpmeslack theres like
21:00 GTorge your the one supposed to make sure that only officials get voted
21:00 helpmeslack over half a day to go
21:00 Alfagrem BMT is official
21:00 GTorge huh
21:00 GTorge when
21:00 helpmeslack gawwd GTorge
21:01 Alfagrem Baroness MArgaret Thatcher
21:01 GTorge soz
21:01 helpmeslack sum media manager chu iz if you dont even know teh officials
21:01 GTorge I WAS LOOKING
21:01 Alfagrem is official same as immortalD and the rover
21:01 GTorge at all regions
21:01 GTorge Alfa
21:01 Alfagrem with ENO as London option
21:01 GTorge soz
21:01 Alfagrem chill out dude
21:01 GTorge I know the officials of NI
21:01 Alfagrem you, matt and nick
21:01 Alfagrem with croogan option
21:01 GTorge exactly
21:02 Alfagrem tho if Ireland stays underpopulated then we might have more
21:02 GTorge get people to NI
21:02 Alfagrem bobbinbob for congress \o/
21:02 Alfagrem and helpmeslack too
21:02 helpmeslack
21:03 Alfagrem Sambo is first up for any promotion
21:03 helpmeslack 6pm GMT
21:03 helpmeslack is when strike starts
21:03 Alfagrem yep
21:03 GTorge yup
21:03 Alfagrem 6hrs away
21:03 helpmeslack i should haz 65 ff then
21:03 helpmeslack then my chewies
21:03 Alfagrem nice
21:03 helpmeslack
21:04 helpmeslack 89 of em
21:05 helpmeslack 113 zookas too ofc
21:05 GTorge can we vote up http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-ukpp-gtorge-for-congress-in-northern-ireland-1992838/1/20 1 vote would get it up 2 spaces

21:06 helpmeslack already voted
21:06 helpmeslack and gawwwd GTorge stop stressin
21:06 Alfagrem I voted too
21:06 helpmeslack is only a game
21:06 helpmeslack :3
21:06 GTorge and alfa you haven't posted the links to all the manifestos
21:06 Alfagrem bugger
21:06 GTorge not that i've seen anyway
21:06 Alfagrem all morning I had the feeling i had forgotten something
21:07 Alfagrem kept checking my PM's, storage and media trying to jog my memory
21:07 helpmeslack zomg
21:07 Alfagrem but I had better do some RL stuff first if I'm going to spend this evening in UKPP company
21:07 helpmeslack ./nick alfaslack?
21:08 Alfagrem indeed
21:08 Alfagrem ran out of RL actions
21:08 helpmeslack looooooooooooooool
21:08 Alfagrem need a few more GBytes for the brain
21:09 helpmeslack just dont go apple
21:09 SanictheHedgehog hue
21:09 helpmeslack ooo
21:09 helpmeslack SanictheHedgehog: is unbanned
21:09 helpmeslack
21:09 GTorge who is mib
21:10 Alfagrem dunno
21:10 +++ Alfagrem has given op to GTorge
21:10 GTorge what are our views towards cit aps
21:10 helpmeslack omg
21:10 helpmeslack nuuu
21:10 Alfagrem sure you can deal with it
21:10 helpmeslack not him
21:10 helpmeslack he'll ban meh
21:10 helpmeslack so much
21:10 helpmeslack
21:10 +++ Alfagrem has given op to helpmeslack
21:11 Alfagrem who;s quickest?
21:11 helpmeslack o.o
21:11 GTorge helpmeslack
21:11 GTorge I would not
21:11 --- GTorge has banned *!*@100030E3.1C041AFF.D1F17A69.IP
21:11 *** mib_0pqrwy was kicked by GTorge (mib_0pqrwy)
21:11 !!! You have been kicked from #UKPP