eUSAs Public Ambassador Report about eNorth Korea

Day 606, 22:13 Published in USA USA by b. k. blake

Here is some brief info for you America about North Korea.


WWIII: eNorth Korea has allied eUSA and eCanada to help fight off the eRussians ans eFrench.
North Korea has delt a +68K to the wall during this war.

Election Results: City Party is the current face of North Korea. City Party Lite is a Russian/PEACE PTO force.

General News Events:

eNorth Korea is still 110% eUSA/eCanada allies.

eNorth Korea faces a PTO on the 25th. "We are stronger then ever and will prevail against this PTO, like the ones that came before it." Future North Korean President Scy Fye

Please Enlist in any of the top 5 parties PTO force... Your vote will count.

b. k. blake
eUSA Ambassador to North Korea