eUSA PTO Alert - Read for Instructions! UPDATED - PHOENIX PTO Threat!

Day 1,007, 10:55 Published in USA USA by Pizza The Hut

UPDATE: In a further act of treachery, GLADOS, one of the most untrustworthy and highest agents of the enemy Alliance has been nominated for Congress by SEES. Their repeated attempt to give such a dangerous individual a chance to win a seat in our legislature shows even more what we already knew.... that they cannot be trusted and do NOT have the best interests of this nation at heart. If you are a member of SEES, please leave immediately and join either the Republicans, ADTP, or UIP. Do not assist the enemies of our nation. This is a time for Patriotic eAmericans of all stripes to stand together for our nation.

The eUSA is under continued threat from SEES, a party known for being a menace to the national security of our nation. All available people are asked to move to the Republican Party to help move SEES out of the Top Five. Currently SEES, ADTP and UIP are within a few dozen members of eachother. Ideally for reasons of protecting the interests of all the eAmerican people, it is essential that the Republicans replace SEES in that position as soon as possible.

In the past SEES has orchestrated domestic Hostile Take-Overs against the former Republicans, the former America's Advancement Party, and the former United States Workers Party, as well as numerous smaller parties. They have also attempted to intimidate other parties into doing what they want. This party has an extremist stance based upon the personality cult of Emerick, or "Gagah". They have stated many times that their goal is not only national control and domination, but international domination as well, openly engaging in takeover attempts in numerous nations.

While the ATO effort in SEES came close to succeeding in Party Presidential Elections, we have another chance to deal a serious blow by denying them the opportunity to run their henchmen in Congressional Elections. If you care about the eUSA and keeping its enemies, both foreign AND domestic from doing grave damage to our nation, then help make sure the Republican Party is in the Top Five within the next 36 hours of the publishing of this article.

Come together eAmerica. This is not an issue of partisan politics. This is an issue of Patriotism vs. Treachery. Will we be loyal to our country?... or will we allow dark forces to do their bidding?

Thank You.
Pizza The Hut
U.S. Congressman
Director of ATO Operations